Ch6 . Girlfriends

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I walked over to Shawn's at around, 8:00, I wore his sweatshirt again, but this one I stole at our last sleepover, so it still smelt like him.

I just walked right in, "hey sweetie." Karen greeted, I smiled and walked upstairs to Shawn's room. I heard giggling, ugh Hannah. I opened the door, he just looked at me.

"Uh hey shawn, you left your phone on the bleachers." I whispered.

He nodded, "thanks." And then went back to Hannah.

Then at 10:00 I decided to text him.

Muffin hater😒- hi
Muffin man🍮- hey
Muffin hater- why do you hate me? Just tell me what.
Muffin man🍮- I don't hate you.
Muffin hater😒- really? Then why do you act like it around Hannah?
Muffin man🍮- no I'm not, why do you hate me?
Muffin man🍮- never mind I'm coming over.

A minute later shawn climbed in through the window.

"Why don't you talk to me in school? Why don't you say hi when you see me?" I asked.

He just sat there, looking me in the eyes. "I'm not sure, I guess maybe we're drifting?"

"But I don't wanna drift, why can't we still be bestfriends?" I pleaded.

"Hannah stands between us." He shrugged.

"And your gonna let her. Ok shawn, do you want me in your life or Hannah? If you want Hannah I'll give to 10 seconds to leave." I whispered. He looked shocked at first.

I started counting down, as he just sat before me. 3...2... And that's when he crawled back through the window. I just watched my bestfriend walk out of my life.

And with that I curled up into a ball and cried, until I fell asleep.


I approached my math class, shawn was in this class, and so was nick.

I noticed shawn kept starring at me, and so did nick, I was kinda creeped out.

"Alright class, find a partner and get to work on this assignment." The teacher cheered.

Shawn walked over to me, and so did nick. But I think we all know who I chose, nick. Shawn chose Hannah over me, I'm not gonna get all buddy buddy with him just for an assignment, once I sat down with nick, shawn walked away. All he did was watched us.

"Um, I have a question for you at the end of football practice." Nick smiled. I nodded, and returned the smile.

Nick is really hot, to be honest.

As the hours went by, nick and I walked to the field, he went in the field, I sat in the bleachers. I looked around, shawn was only like three feet away. I continued to watch the football team tackle each other, and throw a  ball around.

After practice, nick started yelling. "CAN I PLEASE HAVE EVERYONES ATTENTION!"

I'm pretty sure everyone looked, "SYDNEY CLARE WATERS, WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?" He shouted, I was shocked. I smiled, and nodded. I ran down the bleachers and onto the field. I looked over his shoulder at who was in the crowd, shawn was leaving.


The cheerleaders hate me even more now, it's kinds funny though. Someone had taken a photo go me and nick hugging today, I screenshot it and posted it,

Nick Taylor❤️ |8.17.15|

I had many likes and comments, but there was one that caught my attention, Hannah.

Hanners14: one day your with shawn the next day your with a quarterback. Ha.

I just deleted it and read some more of them. Nick had this family thing, so I couldn't hangout with him. Then Aaliyah texted me.

Aaliyah💖-wanna come over? I miss you.
Syd💜- sure, miss you too.

And with that I climbed through by window. She wasn't in her room, so I walked downstairs to the living room. "Hi Hun." Karen greeted me. "Hi" I smiled.

Then I found Aaliyah. She hugged me. We walked outside to the treehouse. We climbed up, Aaliyah went first. I went up after, we found shawn sitting alone up there. I just stood in the ladder. "What's wrong?" Aaliyah asked him, he looked sad.

"Well I broke up with Hannah, but well the girl that I really like is dating someone else."

I climbed up all the way, so I was in view. I gave him a weak smile. We let shawn do his thing while we did ours. "So what's new?" She asked.

"Well I was asked out by our neighbor nick." I smiled. "Wait, the really hot one?" Aaliyah squealed. I nodded.  "Isn't he also the quarterback?" She smirked. I nodded again, with an idiot smile, but my smiled faded. Aaliyah looked confused, "what's up?"

"Well the thing is, I don't really like him, I really like someone else, and I'm not being loyal to our relationship." I frowned.

"Well who do you really like?" She asked, I just looked around.

"That's the thing, I can't tell you."

"It's Shawn isn't it?" She said in a 'duh' tone. A small smile crept across my face, I nodded.

"Well in that case, forget about Shawn, I say continue dating nick." She nodded.

I just looked at her.

A couple hours pasted and I went home, I sat in my room and thought, who does Shawn like? Who was recently asked out?

But I have no clue.

Sara popped her head in my room, "Shawn wants to talk to you, he's at the door." She said. I walked to the top of the stairs and motioned him I come up.

"I'm sorry." We're his first words to me. I nodded. "Your forgiven, alright BFF who's the new crush?" I smirked.

Shawn and I have a friendship of 11 years, I'm not gonna throw it all away over some stupid decision he made.

He bit his lip. I waited for his answer.

We sat in silence for at least 10 minutes, "uh I gotta g-go." He stuttered as he walked out the door.

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