Ch5 . The texts

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Shawn texted me saying he needs to tell me something, and to meet in the treehouse. I did so.

"Hey syd."
"Yo shawn, what do ya gotta tell meh."
"I finally asked out Hannah, yenno the girl in our music group?"

Once he told me that my stomach turned, wait what's happening.

"Oh what did she say?" I managed to get out. "Yes!" He cheered. I let out a deep breathe. "You alright syd?" He questioned me. I nodded, "not feeling the best, I think I'm gonna go home." I told him he nodded and climbed down after me.

I went straight to Sammie's room, "ok shawn just told me that he has a girlfriend, and I had this weird feeling in my stomach, help me." I told her instantly. She giggled.

"I think someone is falling for someone." She smirked. I shook my head, "no no no, I don't like shawn that way."

"Really? Then why'd you get that feeling?" She smirked.

"Oh god, I'm falling for my bestfriend." Sammie just smiled.

"Now what? He has a girlfriend." I frowned.

She gave me advice and I went to my room.

Muffin man🍮- hey, feeling any better?

Muffin hater😒- kinda.

Muffin man🍮 - then wanna come over or something?

I didn't respond to that.


Today school was just a little awkward, I had to sit in back with Sammie, since Hannah took my seat up front. I don't really like Hannah, and I know she doesn't like me. She's jealous of shawn and I's relationship. 

Then it was Shawn, Hannah, and me walking together in the hallways. Shawn didn't really talk to me much.

Finally it was the last class of the day, choir, we all went to our groups. Mine consisted of Shawn, Hannah, Chris, and me. I'm just lucky I have my cousin with me. We had to find a partner for the concert, or we had to song alone. Hannah had already gotten to shawn, and Chris had already gotten to some girl names Ava. I was alone for this.

Everyone picked out there songs, I chose 'that should be me, by justin bieber' it kinda expressed my feelings. I sat near Shawn and Hannah, they chose 'thinking out loud, by Ed Sheeran' ugh.

Nobody really ever heard me sing, not even shawn. I sat in the corner and practiced my lyrics

That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can't go on, until you believe
That, that should be me.

At the end of class shawn approached me, "Sydney, I'm going to Hannah's today, um I can still give you a ride home if you want for you can find another ride." He notified me.

"It's fine, I'll find another ride." I said bluntly.

I texted nick

Sydo❤️👅- hey can you give me a ride today?

Nick is bæ👅- sure thing suga

I met him by the front doors, we walked out to his truck. I ended up just hanging at his house, I miss the old days. But nick and I are really close again. "How would you like to be my new hallway buddy, and be my taxi?"

"I'd love it" he said, in this really weird voice. I giggled. I took a picture of us together and posted it on Instagram, and captioned it...


Then he posted one too,


We liked each other's, then shawn liked them. And that reminded me to tell shawn that he's not my taxi anymore.

Muffin hater😒- no need to pick me up anymore, I found a new taxi driver.

Muffin man🍮- ok, who is it?

Muffin hater😒- our neighbor nick.

He read it but didn't responded. "And syd, about the taxi thingy you'll have to come to football practice with me then." I agreed to do that.

After choir we walked down to the football field, I sat in the bleacher with all the football players girlfriends. "So what's new with you and shawn?" All girls asked surrounding me. "Nothing, he's dating Hannah, so I found someone else to hang out with." I smiled. They oooooooh'ed.

The thing is Hannah is a cheerleader, and that bothers me. But then again, nick is the quarter back for the football team. I watched the cheerleaders for awhile and noticed Hannah, but I thought she was with shawn?

I looked around the bleachers, I spotted shawn, I excused myself from the group of girls and walked over to him. "Thought you were going with Hannah?" I sassed.

"Oh hi Sydney, I am after practice. Why are you here?"

"To support the quarterback." I smiled, his jaw clenched, "what's up your ass?" I added on.

"Nothing, listen Sydney I gotta go but I'll see you around." He said, he got up and left the stadium. I layer across the bleachers letting my long brown hair hang off the sides, then I felt so,etching under me. I sat back up, shawn left his phone. I smirked, I knew his password, it was my birthday 5398. I unlocked it, I went to his messages, I probably shouldn't be doing this but I don't care. I read the one between him and his friend Brian.

Brian- so did you break up with her yet?
Shawn-no. I'm pretty sure that Sydney likes nick, so there's no point anymore.
Brian- really shawn?
Brian- just do it already.

Then there was no reply yet, then I clicked on him and Hannah's messages.

Shawn-I'm here to pick you up.
Hannah-please don't tell me that your picked up that Sydney, and Sammie chicks.
Shawn- well I can't say I didn't.
Hannah-please stop associating with her when were at school.

I honestly felt, I'm not even sure how I felt.

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