Ch12 . Bad luck

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Sydney's POV

Gosh I'm literally missing shawn, and I still have 7 months left. I've spent some of my time with nick, I went to his football games, and baseball games.

I've also spent my time with my family, and the Mendes family.

I subscribed to the tours vlog channel, I've noticed shawn getting close with some girl in them, her name is Camila, she's part of fifth harmony. {a/n: I love Camila, she's literally my role model}

It's just a little hard seeing him with someone like her! I mean like they share the same career, and she's like 100000000000 times prettier than me. It won't surprise me if they date.

I kinda feel like he has forgotten about me, he hasn't answered my texts for almost a week now, he reads them but won't reply, I've posted pincers on Instagram and Twitter but got nothing, no like or comments from him. But yet he answers to Aaliyah, so I'm just a little pissed with him at the moment.


"Common nick." I whined. He just kept laughing.

"Fine, let's get ice cream." He gave in.

We got in his car and started down the street, then everything went black.


I opened my eyes, and adjusts to the lights, the first person I was nick, I looked around and relived I was in the hospital. "Where's my i-ice cream?" I mumbled.

Nicks eyes lite up, "oh my god syd, thank god your ok." He cheered, making me confused.

"Can you tell me why I'm here? And where my ice cream is?" I asked.

He nodded, "we were driving to the ice cream, and one of the neighbors were backing out and therein car hit your side of my car." He explained, slowly, giving me time to process it.

"How long have I been here?"

"About 30 minutes, your family is on there way." He notified me. I nodded.

"Oh my gosh, baby are you ok?" My mom came up running in tears. I nodded slowly as my eyes closed again.

But I was woken up so they could give me oxygen, "Sydney sweetie, your gonna connect you to an oxygen tank, your breathing level isn't the best." My nurse said, as she put the tubes up my nose and around my ears.

Then I closed my eyes again, as I could finally fully breath.

I woke up and saw the Mendes family, but no shawn.

Aaliyah stepped into the hall as she was doing something on her phone, she came back a couple minutes later, she shook her head at her mom and then Karen frowned.

I still don't really know what's wrong with me, like why I'm even at this stupid hospital anyway. "Ahh Sydney, your awake. We want to let you know why you're here, you have a broken knee and foot, but they're both on the right side." She said. I nodded along, "you can go home anytime now that your all casted up, and crutches till we decide that it healed." She said handing my crutches, great.

My mom signed me out, my dad followed behind me to the car, along with my sisters. As we drive home I sent shawn another text.

Syd😍- shawn I know you see my messages, and just wanted to let you know I just left the hospital, I have a broken knee and foot, I was in a car accident with nick, but he's just fine, been awhile since I've heard from you, anyway hope your living your dream and having fun, love you and miss you❤️

He read it a couple minutes later.

Once we got home, I went up to my room, I sat on my but and used my arms to go up, and had the crutches looped around my arm. I made it up fine, I sat on my bed and just set the crutches in the floor.

Ring ring

I looked at my phone and saw shawn wanted to FaceTime. I answered it right away.

I smiled, "hey syd, sorry I've been busy so I just read the texts but I didn't have time to respond, but I have some free time now." He smiled. "It's fine."

"How are you?" "Ha, broken foot, and knee, not the best." I said.

"Camila stop it." Shawn laughed, looking away from the camera. Then she appeared on the camera, "hey I'm camila cabello." She introduced herself. I fake smiled, "yup your the girl all over Shawn's Instagram, anyway I'm Sydney."

Shawn's facial expression changed when I mentioned his Instagram. "What are you doing?" Shawn asked. "Watching an interview of yours, the marry, kiss, kill." I smiled.

I lost my smile until I got to the one, "camila cabello, Sydney waters, and justin bieber?" The interviewer asked.

"Defiantly marry camila, kiss Sydney, and kill justin, sorry justin" shawn chuckled.

My heart sunk, fine then. "Sorry syd, I gotta go." He said, then hung up.

There was no, I love you, or I miss you,

{tried not to make this to cliché}

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