Ch28 . The Dance

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{My volley ball coach inspired me that's why I'm doing this chapter js}

Sydney's POV

I was already, I wore this light pink dress that cut off at the knee with nude pumps and left my hair natural, I just waited at the door for Alex to come.

Knock knock

Sammie opened the door before I did, my parents rushed to the door, my dad smiled.

"Your look really pretty." Alex smiled, "thanks you don't look to bad your self."

My parents wanted pictures and somehow ended up on this conversation, "this is my first dance ever, every girl has always said no, even this was hard to find someone, it took 3 other girls but I finally found one." He smiled, I smiled back.

"Who did you ask first?" I asked, "Hannah masons, but she said no instantly." His face fell a little, I shook my head.

Finally we were at the dance, shawn wasn't here yet, so I just danced with Alex until I saw all eyes turn, of course it was shawn and Hannah. Hannah and I had some eye contact she gave me a smirk along side a glare.  Shawn avoided me, eventually I noticed shawn by himself sitting at a table and just at the right time Alex left for the bathroom, I walked over shawn and just sat in the car next to him. "What?" He said not even looking at me.

"Fine then." I chuckled and got up, I walked over to where we were dancing before, I heard shawn call my name but I decided to pretend I didn't hear him.


I decided it was time to talk with shawn, I crawled the oh the window into Aliyah's room, she just had happened to be in there, "hey, shawn home?" I asked, she nodded, "he's in his room, I think he has a friend over but I don't know who it is." She said. I nodded and walked down the Shawn's room, I opened the door, "wow. I should have expected this." I chuckled.

"If I can't simply hangout with Hannah then you can't hang out with nick." He said bluntly. "Fine then, yenno what shawn? I can't do this." I said. "Do what?"

"Us." I started to cry a little, but I just left. I walked downstairs per post avoiding Aaliyah so she didn't ask, but then of course Karen and manny asked. "What's wrong sweetie." They seemed so curious.

"Shawn and I broke up." I cried, they looked so confused and then I remember that we hadn't told them, "we started dating like a day or two ago, but we just don't agree."

They both gave me a big hug, honestly it felt good. Before I could stop him manny yelled up the stairs for shawn, he came down instantly.

"Shawn." He said sternly. Shawn looked a little afraid, I mean his parents love me sometime I think they love me more than him. "Dad I didn't do anything, she broke up with me."

"Yeah I did, only because all we do is fight and he hangs out with this bitchy girl behind my back that I can't stand." I confessed, "yeah well you hang out with nick."

"Shawn, you like nick or you used to you, you never told me that I couldn't hang out with him or that you didn't like him, I've told you millions of times that I hate Hannah and yet you still associate with her."

Shawn took a deep breath, "I thought maybe you would have figured it out that I didn't like nick all that much anymore."

"Whatever shawn, go back to Hannah." I said as I slammed the door closed.

I need up walking to the park, I heard a voice behind me. "Sydo?" They asked I recognized the voice it was nick. He came and sat next to me on the bench and pulled me towards him, I took in the familiar sent. "Hey I know we've tried dating twice and you may consider me your ex boyfriend, but you can always come to me." He said hugging me, "thanks nick, it's nice to know I have someone there for me." I hugged him back.

"Just so you know syd, I'll always love you."

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