Ch34 . The end

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Shawn's POV

I had finally gotten sydney back right where she belonged, at our apartment in my arms, I think Nick is pretty pissed but she was mine in the first place.

We were still just friends nothing more, which bothered me but she doesn't even hint about is being together forever so I don't know what to do.

Mason is the cutest little boy I've ever seen, he's already one though.

"Hey you should go play outside or something with mason." Sydney suggested as she walked by carrying a laundry basket. I nodded, "common buddy, let's go play ball." He grabbed my fingered as we walked out to the elevator.


I got home from the studio and went into the kitchen and saw a note, oh yeah mason and Sydney are usually home now.

Hello shawn-
I had a work emergency and dropped mason off at daycare, this was around 3:30 this afternoon, whenever you read this you can go get him. I should be home before 7:00, love ya! -syd

I grabbed my keys and left again, to go get mason.

I honestly haven't had any paparazzi's lately, but I must have thought too soon.

Once I got back home with Mason people were waiting in the parking lot.

"So Shawn what's it like to have a kid of your own?" "Amazing." I said before pushing past them to get inside. The good thing is you have some privacy so they're not welcome into your house your apartment building. "Ok bud, what's for dinner?" I asked Mason.

He looked at me, he had such a sweet innocent face like Sydney, he had her big brown eyes, he looked just like her. He shrugged and went back to his trucks he had spread out in the living room.

As I looked brought the cupboards I thought about my life and how amazing it was. I became famous at the age of 14-15, I grew up with a life long best friend, I had a kid with that same girl who is the girl of my dreams, my boy reminds me so much of her, and I think I will purpose next weekend.

We can leave him at my moms and go on a date and spend some time together and that's when I'll ask her to marry me.

Boy my life has turned out great.

"Dada?" I heard Mason say, I looked down at him. "What?"
"Where mama?" He asked with his arms up, I looked at the clock 6:15. "She's at work but she'll be home soon."

I picked him up and put him in the high chair, I gave him some strawberries and blueberries. I've watched what Sydney does, and she always gives him fruit with dinner.

About a half hour later, I sat on the couch with him and watched tv. It's funny how kids these days already know how to use remotes.

I looked at the clock 7:00, I called Sydney, no answer. Ok well she's driving.

Once Mason got busy playing again I changed it to some show, but was interrupted by a breaking news report.

"Girl found dead on the side of the road, she was hit by a drunk driver and goes by the name of Sydney waters." My eyes welled with tears and the phone rang. I prayed and hoped it was Sydney but it was an emergency call.

"Hi, this is officer planks speaking to you, is this Shawn Mendes?"
"Yes sir."
"I have some very sad news, Sydney waters was hit by a drunk driver and unfortunately has died."

I bursted into full on tears, no this isn't my Sydney. I hung up and kept calling Sydney's phone.

I had millions of phone calls coming in about it and reports tweeting me.

Another update came on about it.

"At around 6:40 this evening Were remembering a young girl who was loved my many, Sydney waters age 21 was hit by a drunk driver on her way home from work. She was driving a red 2016 Jeep Wrangler. She is survived by her mother, her father, her two sisters Samantha and Sarah, her son Mason who was just 1 year old, and her best friend Shawn Mendes."

All of a sudden someone knocked on the door, I answered it and it was the news channel.

"We are now live at Sydney's apartment where her she lived with her best friend Shawn Mendes and her son Mason Mendes. Hello Shawn, we are very sorry for your loss, who was Sydney to you?"

I cried some more just hearing her name.

"She was my best friend, the one I had my first son with, the one I was going to purpose to next weekend, she was my everything-" I was cut off my Mason, "dada? Is mama home yet?" He asked, which made me wanna cry but I knew I had to be strong for him.

The one news lady started crying when she heard him ask that, "um no she's still working." I lied as they were still live.

"I think we should let Shawn have some time alone, this is Mary reporting live from Ontario Canada."

I closed the door. I can't believe this.

Sydney was dead.

{a/n: omg guys! This is so sad! Any way thank you so much for reading this and you should go check out my other book. I will also be posting another new story soon called "the foreign exchange student" it's another Shawn Mendes fanfic so yeah, I plan on doing a Justin bieber one down the road. So I'd like to thank you all, love you 💖

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