Chapter 30

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Before you start- I suggest you listen to the song above! it fits perfectly with this chapter in my opinion (well the relationships happening)

"I figured you would want a night out after finishing those big movies, Miss Lawrence." Alex took my hand and led me to the balcony where a candlelit table sat, dinner already served in a fantastic presentation.

I barely had even looked at the spectacular view, the city lights shining as the sun set slowly. Alex pulled out my chair and I sat down, giving him a grateful smile.

"This is our night out. And it only just begins here." Alex took my hand from across the table, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Thank you so much." I said sincerely.

"Hey. You deserve it." Alex grinned. I smiled back. But every time I looked at him, I saw Josh, the eyes, the smile. Him there with me. My heart ached for him. But this was what I had- and that's how it was going to stay.

I ate my cheeseburger greedily and was slower to eat the salad plated with it. Darkness started to take over the sky the longer we sat. The candles burnt bright, and the city lights radiated enough light. A breeze started to hit me, and after time I found my teeth chattering.

"Let's go back inside." Alex took the plates, and followed me back in.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" I raised my eyebrows at Alex. Even though I was unsure of that question myself.

"Sure. If you don't mind." He started placing the dishes into the dishwasher.

"Sure it's just..." I trailed, a silence overtaking the room.

"Josh?" Alex whispered.

"Yeah. Well, no. Well, yeah...but..."

"Jennifer. I get it," Alex closed the dishwasher and turned it on, walking over to me, "I mean you loved this guy, and it doesn't help you saw him today either. But I don't want you to distance yourself from me just because of him."

I was about to object, say that I couldn't help myself still feeling that way about Josh, but Alex pulled me into a hug before I could speak.

"I recently got over a girl. I'm glad too. Because now I can be with you, happy and free, rather than feel that miserable feeling." Alex stroked my hair.

"It's hard to explain what we had." I felt tears puddling in my eyes.

"True love?" He spoke softly.

"No." I pulled away, so we were making eye contact.

"No. I mean, it was, but our love was mostly something else." I said.

"What was it?" Alex put a hand on my cheek.



It had being a week. Alex had practically moved in, but I didn't make that decision. It was nice to have someone else with me as I fell asleep again, but it sometimes surprised me it wasn't the man I wanted.

I had tried spending time with Alex, but I usually let him do most of the talking. I wasn't surprised when one day we were watching TV and a story about Josh and I came up. It talked about how we had broken up, but I was pregnant with his baby.

The very thought made me laugh. They just wanted to carry our relationship out as long as they could, then eventually match us with other random celebrities.

When that was on TV, I walked out of the room then and there.

Alex has tried calming me down, but I assure him it's best he didn't get involved. Everything I felt was my problem, and partially Josh's if he felt it too.

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