Chapter 32

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For the next few weeks, I find my life at ease. There is always a thought of Josh at the back of my mind, but I had already figured that from now on, he would be the one thinking most. Not me.

Alex and I remain friends-with benefits. It's stupid, but he promises me that he loves me unconditionally. And wants me to be happy. Therefore, he lets me decide who I date, yet can still crush on him.

He finally convinces me to audition for a movie, and tags along to the audition. I assure him I'll focus on my career, knowing that I couldn't parade around guys for the rest of my life.

The movie was called Joy. Directed by David O. Russell, a good friend of mine. He offered to give me a chance in the audition, and I knew if I tried I would get the part. I just didn't know if I wanted it...

With a bit of encouragement and convincing, Alex got me into the audition and back out with a part.

It was too soon. But this was my career, acting every chance I had.

"We should go out and celebrate." Alex smiled, taking my hand as we walked back to the car after hours of solid acting.

"Like where? I'm such an old woman nowadays." I laughed, swinging our hands.

"I disagree." Alex pulled my hand, therefore tugging me into his arms. He lent against the car as I stood in front of him, having to stand on my tippy-toes to reach his lips.

"Or we could just go home and have some fun." He winked, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm joking. Well...I'm not but-"

"Just stop talking." I laughed, pressing my lips to his. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

I was enjoying the gentle kiss that radiated through me until I heard a click close-by.

"What was that?" I pulled away, noticing it, but Alex seemed to be in a daze.

"Let's get out of here." I sighed, getting into the car quickly as he did the same. We drove away in a rush, but the thought of them having that picture will haunt me tomorrow.

"Don't think about it. Let's get drunk and crash some celebrity's party." Alex grinned, turning up the radio.

"Like I can do that." I laughed.

"What? Crash a celebrity's party?" Alex questioned.

"No. Get drunk." I flashed him a smirk and he returned it.


It was a few hours later when Alex and I had pulled up to Avan Jogia's house party. I had been invited by a few of his friends that were going there, so technically I was their guest. But Alex had no idea what we were doing. I took his hand as we pulled up, the music loud and lights blaring into the darkness. I dragged him along.

"You know, I wasn't actually serious about this." Alex laughed nervously.

"Don't worry Alex. This will be fun."

There were plenty of people there, hanging around the front verandah and through the windows, they all filled upstairs as well as downstairs.

We walked up, about to go inside, when a voice stopped us.

"Hey, there's too many people here. I suggest you leave." It was complete darkness as I searched for the familiar voice, when they stepped into the light.

It was Josh.

His face registered in shock for a moment, as mine did also.

"Jen?" He stared.

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