Chapter 45

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Jen's POV

We stood for a while. In each others arms, full of love and comfort.

I needed him. The thought made tears spring into my eyes.

"I can't do this." I whispered.

"What do you mean?" Josh whispered back.

"I mean, I can't do this..." I sighed, and Josh pulled away, looking into my eyes.

"Yes, you can." He said, a frown on his face.

"I can't Josh. I love you too much but the heartbreak and the fights...we can't go on this way. It's not healthy." I spoke softly, but he could tell I was hurting.

"We are meant to be Jen, tell me you believe it." Josh put his hands on my shoulders.

"I do, but a part of me is saying it's best to forget." I say honestly.

"After all this?" Josh grits his teeth.

I'm about to speak, but he stops me by stepping back and kicking over a chair.

"No!" He yells as he rushes to the kitchen and throws a glass on the floor as it smashes to pieces.

"Josh!" I shout helplessly as his rampage continues. He gets another and smashes it. Then another.

"Josh, you need to calm down!" I say, trying not to cry.

"Calm down? Calm down? You know how hard I've tried to calm down? Ever since you didn't say you loved me too." Josh glanced at me, a crazy look in his eyes.

"What?" I ask breathlessly.

"When I said I loved you and you said you knew. You knew. But you didn't feel the same. I've had a thought ever since that this relationship was fake. That you were using me, publicity maybe, or just because you're scared of being alone." Josh replied sternly.

"What are you talking about?" I yell, confused.

"No matter how angry you are at someone, if you love them, nothing will change. Now you supposedly love me but want to forget about this whole relationship? Is it because I'm not famous enough for you now? Am I not good enough, like Alex? Or Bradley Cooper? Or is it Nick? Because, you know, everyone will love that relationship after X-Men and the off-and-on again past. No, it all makes sense. I'm just boring Josh Hutcherson. You've outgrown me now." Josh speaks sourly. My heart aches as I hear those words.

I never thought I could feel so hopeless.

"Josh-" I try, but he interrupts me.

"There's no need to explain. I figured it out a long time ago." He looks away.

"You don't understand." I attempt to make my way to him, avoiding the glass all over the floor, but he is already brushing past me, stepping on the glass tiredly.

"I do. I was just too dumb to do something about it." He keeps walking. To the door.

That's when I know I'm about to lose him for good.

"Josh!" I scream.

Surprisingly, he stops. He turns on his heel and looks at me, the crazy look is gone.

"I...don't know. I'm not good at finding words to say." I bite my lip. What am I doing?

"You're an actress, Jen." Josh gives me a small smile, and I feel a surge of confidence go through me.

"Josh...I love you. I don't know where the idea came from that I was using you, or that you're not good enough. That's not true. You know I love you and I wouldn't have done a lot of what I have if I didn't. You mean so much to me. I guess the reason I said I wanted to forget was because I was sick of hurting you...and I know you were sick of hurting me. It wasn't fair to either of us. I know I'll never be able to forget you, which is why by saying it I didn't think we would really take it into account. I just felt so...weak. Like I have been emotionally drained and then filled up with love as soon as you walk back into my life. It was a strange cycle, and I couldn't handle not having you when it seemed I had you a day before. I know celebrity news blows things out of proportion, but when you think about it, it actually got us together. Do you think if you weren't famous enough, whatever that means, that the celebrity news people would actually care about my love life? You are perfect to me. It's freaking cliche but we are meant to be, I believe that, I just don't know how." I said, looking into his eyes the whole time. It was the only thing to keep me going.

"You wanna know how?" Josh rested his hand on the doorknob, and I gulped, realizing I had failed.

But instead of opening the door, he closed it. He threw his jacket onto the couch and walked over to me, taking my face into his hands.

"This is how." He whispered before crashing his lips onto mine.

I was about to fall straight into that kiss, his lips, but there was one more thing I had to do.

"Josh," I pulled away, and he raised an eyebrow.

I got onto one knee and held his hand.

"Will you marry me?" I asked, putting a hand to my heart.

"Ha-ha." Josh rolled his eyes, pulling me to my feet as I laughed at his reaction.

"You didn't even get me a ring!" He groaned, and I grinned.

"I will; the most expensive one they have." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm such a lucky girl." He said and we laughed.

His arms sneaked around my waist and he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Jennifer Lawrence, will you marry me, for real?" He smiled a little.

I wasn't even surprised he asked. I noticed the small box sticking out the pocket of his jacket as I walked in.

I didn't even have to stress or think about it. I knew my answer.

"Yes. I will." I nodded, and he laughed. Probably of giddiness.

"The feels." He whispered, and I laughed.

"Your breath stinks." He scrunched up his nose.

"You were going to leave your own house." I smirked.

"...Point taken." He said before kissing me passionately.

I was prepared to spend the rest of my life with Josh Hutcherson. It seemed like a very likely future after thinking it over.

Jennifer Hutcherson.

Yes, that worked.

Hi :) Joshifer is coming together; finally. I believe the next chapter is the last..I don't know what to say. I don't really have words to describe how incredible this whole journey has been. You guys are simply amazing.

Thank you.

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