Chapter 6

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"The truth is revealed, Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence are dating! With all the inside news, a source 'a friend of JLaw's' told us they have being seeing each other for a while!"

You're kidding, right?

I turn off the television and sigh angrily. Why when things start to get normal, they're ruined again. Hopefully Nick doesn't see this one.

I look around my empty house. It's messy, piles of magazines on the floor. The kitchen has dishes on the benches. I can't be bothered cleaning it, though.

I get so lonely here, or maybe I'm just scared. This house is too big not to be scared.

I decide to invite people over. Except, I don't really know who. I could call Josh, but he's busy doing an interview.


No, he's going to Australia. I forgot.


Maybe, I don't think he's got anything going on.

See, this is the problem with having celebrity friends, they're all so caught up in their lives.

I dial Sam anyway, and he answers on the third ring.

"Hello? Claflin speaking."


"Oh, hey Jen!"

"What's with the 'Claflin speaking' thing?"

"Um, it's kinda a private line sorta thing. Gosh, Jen, aren't you famous or something?"

I laugh.

"No, I'm not."

"Oh, and that's why there is a report of you and Josh dating."

I gasp.

"Sam, what the hell?! How did you know about that?"

"Um...Jennifer, I do watch TV too, you know."

I sigh.

"It's a rumour, okay?"

"Sureeee..." He chuckles.

"It is! What are you doing?"

"Nothing, really. Why?"

"I was going to invite you over."

"Going to? Hell, I'm coming. I'll be there in 10."

"Sam, you live a half hour away from me."

"Jennifer, don't you know how I drive?"

I smile.

"See you soon Sam."

But he's already gone.

I decide to pack up a bit, just because Sam hates messy things.

I put the cushions on the couch and clean all my dirty dishes. I put on a singlet, tracksuit pants and a jumper Nick owns. I then make some sandwiches for us; considering I have no food.

He arrives around the time he said, and I'm not surprised, either. He always speeds. Why can't they do reports on him and not me?

He walks in the door without knocking and has a smile on his face. He wears a normal grey T-Shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers.

"Hello there."

"Hey." I nod. He takes a seat on the couch next to me.

"It's been a while."

"Yeah. Well I won't see you anymore on set, since you don't have to play your part anymore..."

He grins.

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