Chapter 41

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"You're in a good mood today." I said to Josh as he marched his way into the lounge room, a proud look on his face.

"Because I," He saluted me, "have got a role."

"That's great!" I smiled as he fell down next to me on the couch.

"Yeah, it's a short thriller film for Project Imagination. Jena Malone is gonna co-star with me!" Josh beamed, and I frowned.

"No way! I wanna see Jena." I said.

"You should come to set with me one day. I'm starting to film next week sometime." He replied.

"Perhaps I will. After all, I'm gonna miss you." I sighed, and Josh pulled me into his arms.

"Don't worry, it's barely going to take any time to film. Then I will be back here with you. All done." He gave me a reassuring smile.

"Okay." I nodded, and he flicked on the TV as he pulled away.

"It's going to be worse for me when you're filming Joy with Bradley Cooper again." Josh clenched his jaw.

"What's so bad about that?" I asked.

"Well, you guys have so much chemistry on-screen in like a billion movies." He exaggerated.

"That's because we're actors, Josh." I reminded him.

"Yeah, but sometimes I think people would rather you two be together in real life than us. That's why they pair you two together." Josh didn't meet my eyes.

"We don't like each other that way. We just act well together, I guess. And don't you remember those 'Joshifer' fans? There are heaps of them." I tried to grab his hand, but he pulled away.

"It just seems like there could be more there than what I've seen. And I've seen a lot." Josh finally looked at me, but with a hard look.

"Serena, Silver Linings? And now, more to come." Josh snapped, and got up, walking away.

I sat there, feeling worried and sad. How could I prove to him there was nothing going on? I didn't like Bradley that way, and I knew he didn't feel that way about me. It must have been hard for Josh to see, though, those repeated movies where it seems like all people want to see are Bradley and Jennifer together.

I sighed and waited, unsure what would happen when he came back.

But when he did, he simply sat next to me and watched TV, not speaking another word.


"Here." Josh held out his hand, and I took it.

We were preparing to go on a walk to the supermarket, but I was sure the paparazzi would be going mad.

Josh had gotten over the Bradley thing, but I didn't dare mention it.

We walked outside, pulling our hoods over our heads.

I held his hand as tight as I could as we made our way down the path, sure the paparazzi were near. I heard the first click of the camera, but Josh whispered something in my ear.

"If they dare touch you, I'll go full Hulk on them." He smiled, and I laughed.

I walked as close as I could to him, our hands still entwined.

That's when they all pulled up.

"Jen! Josh! This is great, thank you!" They were yelling as they got differently angled photos of us, but we pushed past them.

"How's your relationship going?" A man asked Josh while taking pictures.

"Oh, just great really, apart from the fact we can't go ten feet outside our home without getting bombarded with paparazzi." Josh gave a thumbs up.

Joshifer Fanfiction - A Different LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora