Chapter 1: The Morning Drag

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Chapter 1: The Morning Drag

It's not it was my fault that I'm an orphan. I didn't have any control over the death of my parents...or did I?

I'm in the middle of another self-dispute...was it my fault I'm an orphan?

"Claudia! You're going to be late!" That would be my aunt shouting. I've lived with her for as long as I can remember...

I am Claudia Treman and I am an orphan. My parents died when I was only 6 months old. I am 15, and tomorrow I turn 16......hurray.

I crawled out of bed and threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top, and my favorite green hoodie. As I blindly ran into the bathroom I combed through my crazy blond hair with my fingers. I quickly shoved my contacts in my eyes and started to run downstairs, but ended up tripping down more than half of the staircase.

The table was set with breakfast, toast, orange juice and an apple. I crammed the toast down my throat, washing it down with the OJ and tossed my apple into my backpack before running upstairs to brush my teeth.

"Bye Missy!" I screamed as I ran out the door and mad dashed to the bus stop. It felt really nice to be outside for some odd reason. Maybe it was the sun shining after almost a week of nonstop spring rain?

"Hey birthday girl," that would be Noah, my typically super shy best friend.

"It's not my birthday," I retorted back, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, can I come over tonight?", like I said typically shy...

"Sure...may I ask why?" I questioned, he was acting so confident,where did the awkward, shy kid go?

"Cause tomorrow's your birthday! You'll probably be surrounded by all of your friends or whatever," he said back, he's such a terrible lier.

Did I mention Noah has had like a crazy crush on me since 1st grade?

"In case you haven't noticed yet, you and Lilly are like my only close friends," I said smiling, he knew I caught him.

"Fine, enjoy sitting all alone on your birthday then!" The joked back.

"Ok! You can come right after school, my aunt is going to visit her friends or something this weekend anyway!" I playfully said back.

Ok I'm not gonna lie, I have a crush on Noah too, but its a small one. No biggie.

"Did I forget to tell you that Lilly is going camping this weekend?" He said with a stupid smile on his face.

Ok so maybe I lied, I have a pretty big crush on Noah. I was pretty excited to hear it was just him and I for 3 days. I wasn't going to et him know that though!

"What did I just get myself into?" I said sarcastically.

The bus screeched to stop in front of us and we hopped on and climbed into our seat together at the back. The bus felt really packed today....claustrophobic almost.

I must have looked pretty weird because Noah asked me if I was ok. I just nodded and looked out the window into he green forest that swallowed our small town in New York.

We made it to school in one piece. The second I left the bus I felt tempted to just run into the nearby woods, but I just fought the urge and we went inside.

Noah walked me to my locker and hugged my tightly before going saying bye and going to his home room. I stood there in shock, what had gotten into him?!

I felt suffocated in that crowed hallway. I just grabbed my stuff and scurried into my home room.

"Hey Clauida!" Greeted my other best friend Lilly.

"I can't believe you're going to leave me alone on my birthday, with Noah!" I said.

"Come on Clauida, I know you like him. You'll be fine without me! I'll have to give you your present on Monday....." She started and continued to ramble on about countless things.

I sat down nearest the window, I felt a lot less cramped over there oddly.

I only had 5 periods today, English, honors math, Art, lunch, and advanced chemistry. It wasn't short enough....I hoped the day would go by quick...


Thanks for reading so far!

I hope to update again by Monday!

Please vote!

So do you think Clauida will tell Noah how she feels?

Will Clauida even make it through the day?

Until Monday,



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