Chapter 5: A Startling Reality

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Chapter 5: A Startling Reality

Claudia's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. The light was gone, the pain erasing itself from my memory. I looked around and realized I was still in the cave, but all the water was gone. I for one was soaking wet. I looked down at my hands and jumped at the paws that replaced them. Panicking, I scrambled around, realizing my feet had too become paws. I struggled to get up, my nails scraping and clicking on the stone floor. As soon as I got my footing I realized what kind of situation I was in. I has fallen into a pool and not drowned, but all the water drained away leaving me some animal. I had no way to change back or talk. What would Noah do?! I guess I would just have to get out and hope I morph back.

I tried to take a few steps, but ended up slipping and falling over instead. I was still soaking wet and the cold air that was coming in from outside made me cold. I was a wet, uncoordinated, shivering mess. I must be dreaming....


Ok, great now I'm hearing things too.

This isn't a dream. This is very real." The voice whispered.

I ignore the voice and try to get up again, but lose my balance and topple back over. God this was difficult.

"Clauida, it's going to be ok. Just relax and listen to me." The voice demanded smoothly.

I was still frazzled by this whole voice in my head and no longer human thing, so I just gave up.

"Clauida, we are the last one. The only one. " the voice began.

The last what? I thought to myself.

"We together Clauida, are one, we are the last water wolf. The only water wolf."

Can this voice hear my thoughts?

"Yes Clauida, I can hear you."

Oh. Well what exactly are you, why are you in my head, and what happened to me?

"I am Aqua, your spirit animal. You have just gone through your first shift Clauida. You have shifted into me, the water wolf."

Water wolf? That's sounds like something from fairy tales...

"This is all very real Clauida. You and I are the last ones..."

Ok, before I get overwhelmed with this whole last one thing, can I just get out of here?

"Sorry...I got excited. I've been waiting for this day for a very long time..."

It felt like Aqua had almost left my head or something. That's when I realized I was still a wolf, and had no way to turn back, or shift. Is that what she said?

I slowly and calmly struggled to my feet, well paws I guess and took a few wimpy steps before tripping and falling over something. I looked over to see what it was, my moms necklace! It was the one thing I had from her. It was a long golden chain, the pendent was a star with some sort of stone in the middle. I got up again and went to grab it. I tried to grasp it in my fing... I mean paw but that really didn't work. I cautiously leaned down to pick it up in my mouth when it started to glow that intense white from the pool. When I backed away from it the glowing stopped. Well, that is weird...

"That's called fresh stone. It is only found in one place in the world and is known by few. It is said to glow when the chosen one comes near..." Aqua softly emitted into my thoughts

That's cool...

"Yes. Very." She replied.

I picked up my necklace and slowly made my way to the entrance of the cave. I took a deep breath before I crossed through the entrance and made my way into the clearing. Everything was like a smack to the face. I could smell the grass, the trees, birds everything. I was hearing every individual leaf rustle in the wind. I could see perfectly, like it was day. The one thing that stood out was a different, wolf like smell... It smelled kinda like Noah.

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