Chapter 29: Back To Reality

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Chapter 29: Back To Reality

Clauida's POV

"Baby, come on, we're gonna be late." Noah's voice urged through my sound slumber. I groaned and turned to face the other way, but was only met with a electrifying wall and a soft kiss,"Do I have to dress you?"

I shot out of bed, barreling over Noah, to grab clothes from the somehow always stocked dressers and into the bathroom. My eyes flickered over Noah's mark and I smiled reminding myself to look at his before school. I combed through my hair and realized that I had no ambition of riding the bus today.

"Hey Noah!" I called from the sink, where I was fixing the scarf I put on.

The door was shoved out of the way, "What is it?" His voice still had sleep clinging to it.

My eyes grazed his body, he was half dressed, standing in the doorway with only a pair of shorts on. I located my mark and smirked as I approached him,

"Like what you see?" He growled lowly, raising his eyebrows. I noticed his eyes darken in lust.

I leaned up and kissed my mark, a growl reverberating through my body. I felt Noah reach for his , but it was covered my the scarf. He broke away,

"You covered it up... I wanted to show you off..." He whispered.

I smiled at the thought if him showing me off it his guy friends,

"Don't worry you can still show it off, but only if you let me show you off." I whispered back, gently kissing his soft lips, "Mine." I growled.

"So what did you actually want me for?" He said, wrapping his arms around my back to pull me closer to his bare chest.

"I don't want to ride the bus. Can't we run there?" I whined with my sweetest face.

He looked like he was about to object, but he said yes and I quickly ushered him out of the bathroom so I could shift. I groaned slightly as my body contorted into the form of a large white tiger, my neck cracked lastly before I pushed the door open and went to get a sip of water from the small river that trailed through our room.

"I can see you were going for camouflage." I heard Noah snicker behind me.

I swatted him with my tail before grasping my bag in my jaws and prancing out the house. I made a sort of chuffing noise at the black wolf that followed me and took off toward the school, putting at the feel of the early morning breeze running through my fur. We got to school to soon and I rumbled at the sight of the amount of people just outside in the yards. Noah shot me a look before shifting in front of me, leaving me in full sight of his cloth-less body.

"Are you actually enjoying this Aqua?" I asked her annoyed with the fact we both like this.

"Who wouldn't, just think of when we mate him, it better be soon." She yipped sending terrible thoughts into my head.

I shifted and got dressed behind a nearby tree, much to the dismay of Noah, before intertwining our fingers and walking onto the school grounds. The amount of eyes that were glues to his were infinite.

"Are they dating?"

"Did those two finally get together!"

"They are so cute together."

I walked up it Lilly, who was standing with Shane, Joey, Justin, and Conner. She flashed me a bright smile,

"So how's it going love birds?"

I pulled my scarf out of the way to reveal my mark and Noah's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer, tracing circles on the top of my hand.

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