Chapter 12: Leading

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Chapter 12: Leading

Clauida's POV:

I knew it. I knew it all along. The second I stepped forward as the water wolf, he stepped down. I just sensed he wasn't meant to lead this pack.

I turned towards the crowd and stood amazed as they all bowed down to me. I really never thought I was that important.

"But we are." Aqua states curtly.

Noah's father was even bowing down to me, just the proof I needed.

"Water wolf, let us escort you to the head building. I will be moving immediately and," Noah's father began.

I shifted back before replying, "That isn't necessary, I already have my place of residence, where I belong. Noah will be coming with me."

"Why my son?"

"Because, he's my mate." I replied curtly before hopping down the wooden stairs and making my way towards the exit of the territory.

"Wait! Come back!" I heard his father call to me over the voices of the crowd.

I just shifted into my red hawk and flew back to my oasis.

Bernard's POV

I can't believe I just confronted the water wolf. The prophecy! The queen of the shifting world! Not only that, but she was my daughter in law to be!

I called to her as she left the territory, but she ignored me and just disappeared.

"Noah, lead me to the water wolf." I requested of my son.

He growled fiercely at me in return, "this is my mate we are talking about. If she wants to be alone, leave her alone."

I gave him a stern look as his growling ceased.

"Clauida agrees to your visit, but nobody else can come." He stated.

I dismissed the crowd as my son walked in the direction of the water wolf, shifting once out of our village. I shifted as well, my snake overcoming my inherited wolf. I forced the snake back, letting my wolf form through. I watched as Noah muttered to himself and sniffing the air before taking off to the left.

Before long, we were deep in the woods, I was having difficulty meandering through all the roots and branches. The water wolf lives here?

Finally we were met with a wall of thick vines and I tried to push my through them, but my son shot a look of warning my way. I saw him thinking, I assume he was mind linking Clauida.

Then as if by magic, the vines moved and twisted to form a small hole. My son jumped through and I followed suit.

The clearing I was in made no sense. I was standing in the middle of a tropical oasis. The sand beneath me was pure white, but seemed to shine like silver. The water that flowed through the twisting passages was a mixture of different blues. I could see coral and fish in the blue depths. I was jolted out of my daydream my a nudge from Noah who mentioned to a pointed rock formation at the far end of the clearing. There was a waterfall flowing from inside. Next to it stood the water wolf, her tie dye of blue fur matching the water, her sleek tail shimmering in the sun.

I watched as she looked down upon me, I could feel her eyes prying at me. Noah lead me to the formation and waited as a piece of rock slid out of the way to reveal the water wolf, her expression unreadable. A soft yet firm voice drifted into my head,


The water wolf turned around and went back into the cave, Noah and I following. We began to make our way up a natural staircase where we turned left and entered what seemed to be an office.

The water wolf jumped onto a very comfortable looking stool and my son and I sat upon the blue rug covering the floor.

"Now, what do you want." The same voice demanded of me.

I realized it belonged to the water wolf.

"I need to understand the terms you are setting water wolf." I replied.

"You are stepping down, I am taking my rightful throne, I will live here, and Noah will be with me." She stated plainly.

Well I guess there wasn't much to discuss.


Sorry I haven't updated!

I realize this is a really short chapter.....sorry...

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Thanks for the memories,


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