Chapter 17: Alpha Lessons

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Chapter 17: Alpha Lessons

Clauida's POV:

"Ok pups! Settle down!" the man before me called out roughly.

I knew that he was in charge of training the younger wolves in the pack, but I couldn't quite remember what his name was. Something with an R?

This was my first lesson in "Alpha Training", Bernard said basic fighting would prove beneficial when it came to getting Noah back. I couldn't help but agree with him, however, I was still nervous. As I looked around me, I saw mostly younger kids, probably 13 and 14, but I also saw a few of Noah's friends. I remembered the kid Justin who had flirted with me and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

"As you all know, we are training to protect the Silver pack, but today, our mission is to train our Alpha." He barked.

I shifted on my feet when everyone turned to look at me.

"Ok! I'm going to pair you together and you'll spar. For those if you who know, no canines, only pin." He instructed before naming off partners.

"Ok, Alpha Clauida you go with Justin. I'll be observing what you can already do." The instructor said.

I looked over to Justin who had a frightened look plastered on this face. He slowly approached me, with the instructor next to him. I was seriously annoyed that I couldn't remember his name, so I decided to ask Justin through the link. I searched through the few people I knew in my mind until I found Justin's mental presence. I lowered my barriers to him before asking,

"What's his name again?"

I heard a chuckle through the link before he answered,

"Everyone calls him Ranger, but he's my dad." Justin replied

"Ok Alpha, I'm gonna ask you to shift," Ranger began, but I cut him off,

"Which form?" I asked.

"Well, your wolf form of course." He stated.

"I have 2 wolf forms." I replied.

He looked at me in disbelief briefly before answering,

"I don't believe you, show me."

I probably shouldn't have, but I took it as a challenge. This guy didn't believe me! I shifted into my regular wolf form and looked at Ranger, who didn't seem impressed. Then I shifted into Aqua, my tail reflecting the sunlight

"Umm......uhhh...... Water wolf use whatever form you wish." He said, bowing his head.

Wow, it's the first time he's said anything without yelling.

"Ok Justin, shift. Don't go easy on her, I want to see what she can do." He whispered to Justin, but I could hear it anyways.

I heard the tearing of clothes and watched as Justin bent to the ground and morphed into a light grey wolf. He wasn't anything special, I think in my normal wolf form he was bigger than me, but I am sure I Aqua would be larger than him.

"Don't show him our strength first, show him our weakness." Aqua advised.

It was a good plan, let him think I was weak before whipping out my tricks. I shifted into my normal wolf form, the popping and snapping of my bones still startled me, but it didn't actually hurt. I looked down to the necklace around my neck, the fresh stone glowing brightly. Just looking at it I felt a surge of energy push through me. Looking at Justin I almost felt bad, but then again, I was his Alpha, he couldn't beat me.

"Ok pups, begin." Ranger said.

I couldn't help but emit a low growl, being called a pup was not something I liked. Justin must have assumed I has growled at him because he snarled, showing off his white, sharp, pointy,

"Are you going to teach this kid a lesson? He should not be snarling at his Alpha!" Aqua interjected my thoughts.

She was right, I could not let that sort of disrespect go unpunished. Justin had tried to walk over me since the day I arrived in this village, but now the tables would turn.

He lunged at me hastily, making no effort to hide his plan of attack. It was as if I could see him lunging before he actually did. I made no effort to move out of his way, I would take him on. As he barreled into me I allowed myself to crumble under him. I weakly struggled beneath him, hoping that he would attempt to pin me. I must have smiled a wolfish grin when I felt his two immense paws press into my chest. Quickly I shifted into Aqua, Justin tensed in confusion as he saw me grow and change color. However, what he didn't realize was my scaled fin, or tail, whatever you want to call it, was underneath stomach. He also didn't know how powerful it was. Just as Justin allowed a primal sound of some sort tear from his throat I shoved upwards hearing him cry as my tail connected with his chest.

I leapt to my feet as soon as I was free of Justin, who currently was laying sprawled out in the grass about 10 feet away, I noticed how much of a crowd had gathered to watch their Alpha in training. Even all the other groups that had been sparring stopped to watch. I felt pride rush through me, and turned back to my opponent.

He had pulled himself to his feet, and I could see that he was breathing heavily, but the fighting look was still in his eyes. I growled at him before charging, I willed a wall of water to form behind me. Just as I was about to pounce, I skidded to a stop and the water came crashing down over Justin's head. I could hear the gasps from the crowd along with the sputters of Justin, who was now presently soaked. I couldn't help but chuckle at his appearance, he looked like a little wet rat.

He attempted to shake some of the water out of his fur, but little did he realize that I was just preparing to soak him, just to distract him. I willed the water that Justin was sending into the air to condense into a huge ball just above his head. I could sense the pack staring intensely at Justin, waiting for him to notice. He snarled with anger, rage and embarrassment filled his eyes, and that's when I unleashed my distraction. As soon as I dropped my attention away from the water I shifted into my redhawk and shot myself into the air. I could hear the confused and enraged noises of Justin, but the crowd was searching for me, clearly having fallen to my distraction. I positioned myself behind Justin, so he wouldn't see me and have a chance to move. I folded my wings flush to my body and free fell towards the ground, picking up speed as it got closer. At the last possible moment, I shot out my wings and threw myself at my opponent, sending a shrill screech through the air.

I gripped my talons tightly into his fur, sending a pained howl into the atmosphere. He squirmed beneath me, his paws thrashing, trying to throw me off. I snapped my beak at him, just as his paws connected with my feathered body, throwing me into the air. I easily recovered and dove at him again, shifting into my snake form right before the hit. I launched my fangs into his back and I felt him writhe beneath me. I loosened my grip for a split second, and was bucked from his back. Finally, I shifted into my water wolf form and charged, power building in every stride before I threw myself at him. I had him pinned, and I knew he wouldn't get up.

"Ok, we have a winner!" Ranger called out from the silence that had enveloped the scene.

I let Justin go and he immediately scrambled away from me. I can't blame him honestly.

After the little battle, it was clear I could handle myself, so I got to skip training. Instead, a few wolves decided to show me around the territory, which was pretty big. At the moment, we were nearing the old Brewerton bridge, it had been out of use for a long time. I had been there before with friends to play in the creek nearby so I was familiar with the place. I picked up the sound of running behind us, but the scent told me it was someone from the pack. I turned and was surprised to see Lilly running towards us like her life depended on it, so I guess she was a werewolf too? As soon as she got to us she stopped to gasp for air, before saying,

"Clauida, there's been an accident."


Cliffhanger :D

Sorry, but you're gonna have to wait for the next chapter!

Once again thank you for reading!

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Food is my religion,

Heidi 💙

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