Chapter 26: Freedom

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Chapter 26: Freedom

Clauida's POV

These last two days have been the longest but some of the most pleasant days of my life. I've basically constricted to one room, but at least Noah was there to entertain me. Today was the day I was supposed to shift back and go back home...wherever that was anyways. I had been doing a lot of thinking these last few days, if my aunt has already been exposed to all of this, can't we just move into the village and accept her as part of the pack? I had gotten to get up and see her the other day and she was resting at the time so I decided not to wake her and confuse her further. She looked a whole lot better than she did over a week ago and I was relieved that she was ok.

The first thing I asked Noah in the morning was if I could shift back. I wanted out. Now.

"I can't tell you when it's ok to shift back, Aqua is in charge of that." He replied.

She hadn't spoken to me since I had awoken and I assumed it was because she was to busy healing me. I just hoped I was right.

Soon afterwards, Lilly's father came in and unwrapped my wound which was completely healed at this point was made me quite happy. Then he sawed the cast off of my paw and I was carried to the X-Ray machine room by a very antsy Noah. He clearly wanted to get out of here as much as I did. Dr. Schemer fiddled with the equipment for a few moments before and image of my leg came into focus and the only thing not healed was a minuscule crack which we could see healing as we sat and watched. The doctor told me I would be ready to leave within an hour, and would have Lilly come bring me some clothes. He wanted me to rest for at least another week or so.

We went back to my room and Noah hoisted me onto the table before sitting down beside be, running his fingers through my fur, sending shivers down my spine.

"Finally we get to go back to my place, and hang out." He breathed relieved.

"Noah, I don't think I'm ready to be Alpha." I said out of the blue.

"Why? You are clearly capable at it. The pack loves you." He reassures me.

"No it's not that. I'm just to busy. I want to finish school, get used to being a shifter, focus on you, but if I add running a pack to my plate, I'll get none of that." I answer through our link.

"I could ask my father to take partial control over it until you're ready again, you could even learn from him when you aren't busy." He says softly as he wrapped his arm around my side.

"At least until I graduate, then I'll come back. I promise." I respond looking deep into his eyes.

"Anything for you princess." He whispers as he nuzzles his face against my shoulder. I want to get out of this form and kiss him so bad. Aqua better speed it up.

"Clauida!" A shrill voice interrupts our little moment as Lilly barges in and launches herself at me, "I'm so glad you're ok, I was so worried about you!"

I chuckle silently, "I'm fine Lilly, I really am."

"Well good, here's your clothes. We should hang out tomorrow, come over to my house and we can watch a movie or something?" She asks.

"Sounds good." I answer.

"Ok, well I gotta go, my Mom wants my room clean. Bye!" She squeaks as she exits.

Now if Aqua would just...

"Clauida, it's safe to shift." Her soft words startle and excite me. I'm free!

"Noah I'm shifting. Turn please."

He has a bit of a disappointed look in his eyes, but reluctantly turns. I shift and wince, unused to switching forms because it has been such a long time. I quickly grab the clothes behind me and put on the bra, underwear, and sweatpants that Lilly provided me with. I was about to pull the shirt over my head when two warm arms snaked around my sides and met in the middle resting at my stomach. The electricity passing between us startled me, was I always going to feel like this?

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