Chapter 28: Field Trip

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Chapter 28: Field trip

"Noah, I feel like you're prolonging this on purpose!" I yelled as he refused to crawl out of bed. It was Saturday, I wanted to go to the zoo but captain lazy seemed to have other ideas.

"I don't understand why you even want to go, the Rosamond Gifford Zoo could not be anymore boring." He groaned into his pillow.

I jumped up beside him on the bed,

"It's only boring because I'm not with you." I pleaded with my sweetest voice I could muster.

"No....can't we just stay home?" He argued.

I shifted into my redhawk form, digging my talons into his back and whispered mentally,

"Then I'll just go alone."

I fluttered over to the open window, threatening to spread my wings and fly there myself. He got moving pretty quickly after that.

"Noah do you even have your license?" I asked as we climbed into a navy blue car of some sort.

"I'm like almost a year older than you, so no, but I have my permit." He states as he thrusts the key into the ignition.

I climb out of the car,

"Can we not drive?" I plead. I haven't really flown for leisure since before the battle plus I honestly didn't trust Noah driving me anywhere.

"How do you think I'm going to get there then?" He questions doubly.

"Didn't you tell me you spent like ten years learning how to turn into a squirrel?" I questioned.

"Umm yeah, but I still can't fly." He answers as if my question was stupid.

"Shift." I order.

I chuckle at the little black, puffball squirrel that now took Noah's place in the drivers seat of his fancy car. His clothes smothered him, and I gathered them in a bundle and tied them around one ankle before I snuck behind a nearby tree and took my clothes and tied them around my other ankle before shifting into my redhawk. Noah was sitting unknowing on the ground beside the car, unaware of me as I glided over him, gently grabbing him in my talons,

"See? I know quite a few tricks Noah." I scoffed through our link.

"Just don't squeeze me to hard..." He retorts.

I launch into the air, climbing upwards at a steep angle. Having Noah in my grasp sent tingles through my entire body, but I wished he was flying beside me.

I followed the winding roads to the zoo at a high altitude, the cars looking like tiny ants below me. As the zoo came into view I flew past the entrance, towards the back near the nature trails. I descended, smiling internally as I felt his feelings of and city encroach my own feelings of pure bliss. I landed gently beside one of the trails, careful not to squish Noah as my claws connected with the ground. He scurried from my grasp, seemingly relieved that he was on the ground. I managed to untie both sets of clothes from my legs before flying to a nearby tree, leaving Noah behind, to shift and put clothes on. After my body had ceased the now comfortable snapping and popping, I threw my underwear, bra and shirt before I yelped as I was yanked backwards into a warm, electrifying embrace. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me protectively and nuzzled his head against my neck,

"Is this going to become an everyday occurrence with you now?"

"I wish..." He replied planting a soft kiss on his mark, sending a burning passion to flash through me.

I turned around and gawked at his perfect abs, I never even knew he had them. I leaned up to kiss his full lips, shivering at the pleasure that rolled through me, I ran my hand over his hard stomach. I pulled away,

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