Chapter 19: Something More

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Chapter 19: Something More

Lilly's POV

I could tell Clauida was hurt. She always felt guilty when she thought something was her fault. I was with the patrol group around noon when we passes Clauida's house and found the damage. I was about to inform her that by the amount of blood present at the scene, her aunt hadn't died, but Clauida stood up and jumped onto the blood-stained bed. There was an odd aura about her, the air seemed to waver around her, like when it was really hot outside. Clauida was just staring at the pool of blood on the white bedsheets. It honestly looked liked a lot of blood, but thankfully we still had a chance to save Missy.

Just as Clauida snatched up the sheets in her jaws I was pushed backwards by an unseen force. It felt like punch to the stomach, only on fire. I watched, wheezing, as Clauida shook and pulled at the bloodied sheets, and the heat expanded, smothering me. Suddenly it felt as if something exploded, and a fresh wave of heat swam over me. Something in Clauida changed, it was unnoticeable at first, but it soon altered her entire appearance. My life long friend's mystical wolf was gone. It was replaced with a monster. A pitch black, evil emitting, red eyed, anger controlled monster. Her usual water mimicking coat was a shade of black I've only seen in nightmares,her webbed feet were replaced by fear inducing claws. The beautiful blue eyes, now red, seemed to stare and crush my soul, and she wasn't even looking at me. A black smoke seemed to cling to her and trail off of her body, making her appearance just that much more intimidating. What had happened to my friend? I had to stop this wolf that was controlling my friend. In an attempt to break the spell I screamed her name,


Just the the sheet tore and Clauida fell off the edge of the bed. She was still for a moment before standing up and glaring at me. She growled at me, forcing my wolf to submit on fear, fear for our lives. Clauida turned away from me and stalked towards he shattered mirror, her nails clicking as they connected with the hardwood floor. She looked up to her reflection and froze, a startled expression on her face. Then she dropped to the floor, in her previous state.

I scrambled up from my spot in the doorway to help her. Careful not to step on her I got down on the floor next to her, planning to carry her out of the room. I laid a hand in her for a second and quickly pulled it back with a yelp. She was hot, burning practically. I needed help, but I really wasn't sure who could be of much help in a situation like this.

Thinking fast, I ran to Clauida's bedroom and grabbed a blanket off of her bed. Attempting not to trip over the blanket, I rushed back to Clauida, she looked so much more peaceful in this state. I was relieved she was back to her normal self, but was she really the same? The dark side of Clauida scared me, terrified me, I just hoped this was just a one time deal.

I cautiously reached out to touch her fur, afraid I would be burned again, but instead of hot, her fur was cold, damp actually. I guess that was her wolf using her abilities to help. More questions swam through my mind, but I forced myself to focus, my best friend and alpha needed my help.

I laid the blanket out beside Clauida, my plan had been to lift her onto the blanket, but I hadn't realized how heavy she was even for a warewolf. I guess all that raw power had to come from some serious muscle. Instead of lifting her I just shoved Clauida onto the blanket and started to drag her down the hallway. Luckily it was hardwood, or else I would have had a pretty tough time getting her out of the scene of destruction. As I neared the stairs I knew I needed help, there was no way I could gently drag her down these stairs. I sifted through the people I knew who could help me. I thought Alph- I mean Brutis would be eager to help his daughter in law, and my dad loved Clauida, even before all this happened. I called out to them, hoping they weren't too busy rebuilding the village,

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