Chapter 21: Afraid of the Dark

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Chapter 21: Afraid of the Dark

Lilly's POV

We had tried so many times to wake Clauida up, but all attempts had proved futile. My father was exhausted at this point, he had forced his powers into Clauida relentlessly without much of a break for a week. The whole pack was fear stricken, afraid that something was terribly wrong with their new alpha. Physically, Clauida was perfectly fine. She had nothing wrong with her, but she wouldn't wake up. It was as if she was resisting us, blocking us from helping her.

I walked out of Clauida's room in the pack clinic, I was frustrated, all I wanted to do was help my friend. I wished once again that I has my powers, it wasn't fair. My father had already left to go home, he had once again tried to reach Clauida, but it ended the same as before. Therefore he left me to close up, he said it would be good training for when I take over as pack doctor. Like that was ever going to happen.

I walked out the double glass doors and into the empty hallway of the pack building. Brutis had it constructed when he was alpha, it basically held anything pack related, the clinic, the alphas office, the betas office, even the training grounds. The only excluded was the hundreds of houses and the few home run stores the pack members occupied. I've heard of entire packs living in one house, I think I would go insane if that was the case here.

I turned to lock the doors, and then walked down the one flight of stairs to the main level. Right as I walked out the I could have sworn the temperature of the building rose a couple degrees, but I was probably just imagining it. There were still a few families gathered around fire pits outside, there were still some families without places to go yet, because of the attack. Others had willingly accepted the homeless until they're homes are fixed. It was warm out tonight and luckily it was almost summer, that meant no school for three months.

I meandered through the village to my house, which while damaged wasn't completely destroyed. The door had been torn off and a few windows were shattered, but otherwise we were some of the lucky ones. The house was silent, everyone had already gone to bed, so I just went to my room. I quickly threw on some pajamas and crawled into my bed, guilt still plaguing me as I drifted to sleep.

*I walked into the pack building early in the morning as I had every other day this week, walked up the stairs because the elevators were already to crowded, and unlocked the doors to the clinic. I was welcomed with a wave of blistering heat, I guess I had forgotten to turn the heat off. I pranced over to the thermostat and was surprised to see that it was only set to 73. The heat must be coming from somewhere else. The air was clear and smoke free, but this heat reminded me of something.

I ran to Clauida's room, the heat grew more and more unbearable as I go closer. I shoved my key in the lock and turned it quickly, the door instantly flew open and the black wolf leapt on top of me, knocking me to the ground. I could feel my skin searing anywhere the wolf touched me. The black flames the licked off of the evil beast burned with such an intensity, I could only imagine hot enraged it was. The red eyes bore into mine, freezing me in place before it lunged for my neck, it's immense jaws wide open.*

I sat up in my bed with a start, cold sweat dripping down my forehead. The nightmare was so real, so vivid, I knew something was wrong. I whipped myself out of my bed and ran to my parents' bedroom. I flung open the door which hit the wall with a bang, causing my father to jolt awake.

"What's wrong?" He asked completely alert.

"Something's wrong with Clauida, I had a nightmare." I panted.

"Are you sure it wasn't just a dream?" My father questioned.

"Dad! I can feel it, something's wrong!" I shouted.

"Fine, lets go, just let me wake up your mother." He sighed.

I nodded and ran back to my room, I pulled on a pair of sweat pants over the shorts I had worn to bed, and threw on a random hoodie before running to the front door. My father was already there, so I took off out the door, running as fast as I could. The sun was just beginning to peak out from behind the trees, and there was a thick fog shrouding everything, but I still ran, after all I knew this village well.

Once I made it to the pack building I felt a slight warmth envelop me,and it wasn't very reassuring. With my father behind me, we bolted up the stairs and went to unlock the doors of the clinic. Fumbling with the key of a moment, he turned the key and opened it, a wave of heat poured from the inside.

"It's just like in the dream." I stammered.

"Lilly, what happened next?" My father asked me, he face set with seriousness.

"I went to Clauida's room, opened her door, and then she attacked me." I whispered.

"In the form before she was knocked out?" He questioned.

I nodded.

"I think we'll be fine, come on." My father stated solidly.

My father entered first, grasping my hand and dragging me behind him. I couldn't help but fear for both my father and I, I had seen Clauida tear apart the bed, I would want to see her angered at us.

When we reached her door, we both looked to each other before my father slid the key into the lock and slowly turned. I waited for the blow to come, I waited for the evil wolf to tackle us, but nothing came. My father reached for the door knob and pushed the door open. I peeked my head in, only to look away a second later.

A loud snarl ripped through the air, causing my father to shrink back from the door. The noise was so aggressive, so full of authority it even caused some of the most fearless werewolves to shy away. I look into the room again, spotting Clauida right away, tangled in all the cords and IVs e had hooked up to her. She was to tangled to move, but she was still intimidating, those red eyes burned into mine, making me want to crawl under something and hide. What seemed to be a black smoke yesterday was now fierce black flames. I assumed that gauged her anger.

My father stepped into the room cautiously, but I stayed in the doorway, still fearful.

"Clauida, it's me, Dr. Schemer, Lilly's father." My dad greeted in a soothing voice.

I squeaked when a voice infringed my mind,

"I am not Clauida, that pup would still be sleeping if it weren't for me! I am Eris, the goddess of chaos, also known as the black flame Luna."

"No, you are Clauida Treman, and you need to calm down." My father insisted.

"Fool! If you want her you can have her, but I will be back!" The dark voice resonated into my mind.

I watched as Clauida grew limp, the heat dissipated, and the beautiful color washed back into her form. My dad reached out to grab her, but I reminded him of what happened the first time. We just stood there for a minute, to stunned to speak. Something was clearly wrong with my best friend, and I wasn't so sure we could fix her.

Clauida's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in the most uncomfortable position, cords wrapped around me, dangling above the floor. I was in wolf form, but I had no idea where I was. I attempted to wriggle out of my binds but I was suddenly grasped from behind. I hopped in surprise.

"Sorry for scaring you Alpha Clauida, I'll explain everything as soon as I untangle you." A comforting, and familiar voice apologized.

As the man slowly untangled me from the mess of wires I tried to think of who he was, but I couldn't quite grasp it, that was until Lilly walked in.

"Clauida! You're awake!" She exclaimed as she came running to me, as she wrapped her arms around me I couldn't help but wonder how long I was out, and why.

After I was untangled I shifted back to my human form, I was quickly handed a medical gown to cover myself. Once situated, the man who I now remembered as Lilly's father began to question me,

"Ok Clauida, I need you to tell me anything you remember before you passed out."

I thought for a while, but nothing came to me. I remembered fighting Justin, did something happen then maybe?

"I remember fighting Justin, but I thought I won that," I stated

"Yes that is right, but something happened afterwards. Think for awhile, take as much time as you need." Lilly's father replied.

So I thought again. After the fight...I went for a run. No, it was a tour of the territory. We were near the old bridge. Did I fall? I looked to Lilly this time when I asked,

"Did I fall off the old bridge when I was getting a tour of the territory?"

She shook her head, but something in her eyes was familiar...making me remember...

"Clauida!" Lilly's shriek broke through my rage just as the sheet tore, causing me to fall off the bed.

I growled at her, anger still boiling inside of me. I pulled myself up and stalked over to the already shattered mirror, prepared to finish the already started job. I looked up and jumped at was my reflection revealed. A deep, sinister voice filled my mind,

"We will no longer stand and watch. It is time we fight."

As the events came rushing back to me I only became more and more frightened. I remembered meeting the moon god, hearing the terrible prophecy I was victim of. Noah was still gone, I felt like something was missing from me, and my aunt was also gone. Another pack of werewolves idolized the evil within me and wanted me to rule them. Eris was angered that I was still sleeping and she took control of me, and that's why I had been tangled in all of the wires. I gasped,

"Dr. Schemer, how long since I turned?"

"It has been exactly a week since your newest form came forth and you passed out." He replied.

A whole week? That means I missed an entire week of school, an entire week of training. The pack I had just come to lead is probably a mess. I could have been searching for Noah, my aunt. She was probably lost, hurt, confused. I lost such crucial time. I was angry at myself, I could feel it burning inside of me. I needed to shift, get the anger out.

"Clauida!" Lilly screamed.

The sound snapped me out of it, but I couldn't help but notice how hot it was.

"It's every time you get angry." Lilly's father stated.

"Wait....what happened?" I asked confused, I was just frustrated with myself.

"Every time you get frustrated or angry, the darkness comes to the surface. The evil half controls you." He continued.

"How did you know I was angry?" I asked even more confused. Could this guy hear my thoughts?

"Every time you get mad, you get hot. The temperature of the air around increases drastically. Now tell me what was going on inside of you." He demanded.

"I was mad at myself for wasting such precious time, I've missed an entire week of school, I couldn't help the pack, and my mate and aunt as still out there. The anger built up and I could tell I was about to shift. I was planning on going for a run actually." I replied simply.

"You can't get angry, it won't help anything, but going for daily runs is probably a really good, safe, way for you to release some of the pent up anger.

I nodded my head,

"So am I good to go?" I asked.

The doctor nodded his head so I shifted into my water wolf form, hearing Lilly follow not to far behind me, we went to the woods to finish my tour.

Noah's POV

I shoved another wolf to the side with a firm kick to the ribs. We were still training, we had been for the past week. Yesterday I was deemed worthy of their black Luna, so now the entire Hallows Luna pack was preparing to battle the Silver pack. The plan was to charge the village, take over, and grab Clauida. I hated the idea, but I needed to gain their trust in order to get out of here. I had no plan, I just hoped everything would work out.

The past week I have tried to contact her through our link, but either we are too far apart, or something bad happened to Clauida.

I still have yet to figure out how these wolves talk and why they have wild wolves with them.

After training was over I walked to the furthest border of the territory. I needed to get a hold of Clauida, I needed to know she was alright. I sat down and began to reach out to her, but almost instantly I felt the connection.

"Noah?" Her soft voice fluttered. Just hearing it gave me butterflies, I ached to be with her.

"Clauida, I don't know how long I'm going to have." I replied seriously.

"Me either, I have to prepare the pack, where are you?" She questioned

"I'm not sure where I am, I was kidnapped in the cove, then I was in a giant truck and brought here. I do know the name of the pack I'm with though." I stated.

"Who?" She asked.

"The Hallows Luna Pack." I replied.

"Have they talked about me?" She asked urgently.

"Yes, actually they're obsessed with you. Infatuated is probably the best word. They trained me to be a worthy mate to you. They called you a goddess, what aren't you not telling me?" I asked.

"Something happened to me a few days ago, another prophecy I was a part of. It's inside of me, and that pack you're with wants me to lead them." She said quickly.

"They are planning an attack on the pack, and they are going to capture you." I whined.

"Trust me Noah, nobody can capture me at this point. I am going to find you and my Aunt, I am going to destroy this stupid pack. I have to go." Was all I was left with. I whined as I felt her presence leave me, I felt more lonely than ever. I guess I would have to trust my mate, but I couldn't help but feel like I failed her.


Another completed chapter! Yay!

I am really excited to release these next few chapters! I've written ahead and I'm really liking the direction that this book is taking.

I have so many ideas floating for new book, but I'm not sure which one I should peruse first, I was thinking the spin off centered around Lilly, but now I have other ideas.

This isn't my first and last book though, I promise to continue improving and writing!

This week was kind of a filler chapter, and I had trouble finding a song to match it. If any of you guys have an idea for a song, comment it and if I agree I'll put in this chapter and dedicate to you!

Please comment, vote, add, and follow!

But it was not your fault, but mine,


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