Chapter 23: Snooping

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Chapter 23: Snooping

Noah's POV

As soon as my eyes opened I was on my feet and running. After being stuck in my wolf form for over a week I was more in tune with Thorn, so I was allowing him to take over control and get us where we needed to go. Quietly. I was looking for the concrete block I had seen on my first day here with the Hallows Luna Pack. I wanted to see if they had any information on how they gave these wolves a voice, and where Clauida's aunt was.

Nearing the stony structure, I noted that nobody was here, and walked through the open entrance. I padded lightly to avoid my nails clicking on the concrete. The room was pretty much empty, other than a stack of papers, a key ring, and a dull rock. Putting my paws up onto the desk, I skimmed over the papers, but found nothing. The keys must have been to the cells, but the rock was just there. It seemed familiar almost, like I had grown up around it, but I must have just been over thinking. I grasped the keys in my mouth and set to leave when I heard two voices approaching,and not slowly.

"I don't even understand why he even keeps her mate alive. He after all will never be even compare able to her, I was told that he would take her as his mate." One voice said lazily. It was a the voice of a werewolf, that much I had figured out. The werewolves had better speech in their wolf form, the wild wolves spoke oddly and it was a little hard to understand sometimes.

"Knew me, would be gone long." A wild wolf replied, his gravely voice reminding me of tires screeching on pavement.

The pack must have been looking for me, we were training early this morning, and then everyone would rest all day. None of them would be expecting the ambush.

"Let's just hope he doesn't go snooping around the moon stone, you know how much he hates it." The were replied.

The voices past the concrete structure and I quickly stole another glance at the rock on the desk, it didn't look special too me. Keys in my jaws I bolted out of the building, Thorn urging me to increase my speed, I finally made it too the tree I had mentioned to Clauida. There was a hole under it, so I threw the keys in and rushed for the training session I was expected to attend.

"Lover boy! Where you been? We sent two idiots out looking for ya!" The gnarled voice of the leader grumbled mockingly. The cluster of wolves around him chuckled in approval before we were just told to "play fight" to get ready for the capture of their black flame Luna. Little did these whelps know what a surprise I had in store for them.

Clauida's POV:

"Are we all set?" I sent through my pack link. I saw the pack of wolves in front of me nod.

"When is it my turn to take the controls?" Eris snarled anxiously as she paced through the back of my mind.

"You can take your turn running first if you want to Eris, but remember what we are saving our strength for." I replied shortly.

I began to take off running North, luckily we wouldn't have to run for very long. After asking the "werewolf council" they eagerly gave us their location. We would be at the pack border around 3:00 pm, since we were leaving so early at 7:00 am. I felt paws thunder beside me, and I could feel myself pouring with pride for my pack. I was proud of them, they had shaped up and devoted their time to retrieve Noah and my aunt. Eris and Aqua quietly chattered to one another, and once in a while I would join them and add my own opinion. Eris was especially nervous about meeting Noah, and Aqua tried to explain him as best she could. However, we hadn't kissed since before I fell into the pool and he got kidnapped so even she had difficulty explaining to Eris.

We stopped about halfway for a break, we all caught a rabbit or two for ourselves and drank from the nearby stream. Allowing my water wolf form to take over me, I slipped into the stream and breathed a sigh of relief as the water refueled our energy. The rest of my group watched me strangely as I waded, but then again, they were unused to my many forms.

"Ok, let's get going you guys." I sent through our link before trotting back towards the trees.

The pack was quick to follow, and we could soon sense the presence of the perimeter. We slowed and split into our four groups. I nodded towards Justin and Ranger, whom led their two groups to their position s. I took my red hawk form and fluttered into the air, searching for the wolves of the pack, but mainly Noah and my aunt.

"You here yet babe?" Noah asked through our private link.

"Flying over right now." I replied.

I could clearly see all the wolves gathered around the stream that cut through the territory. Just a few more minutes and I would give the signal .

Cutting low amongst the trees, I followed Noah's scent to the tree he had mentioned that the keys would be in. I swooped down, grasping the key ring in my talon and took to the skies. Ready to give the signal. All hell was going to break loose.


I am going to apologize a hundred times over that this was sooo late. I have been really busy these last few weeks with dance and my freshmen year. This next weekend I'm learning choreography for an advanced modern piece. It's going to be choreographed by John Leher, if you don't know who that is, I highly suggest searching him up. I also work at a haunted house as a fundraiser for my dance studio so I'm always busy on the weekends. However, I promise to finish this book!

Thanks to the people who still stick with me!

Heidi 💙

The Water WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora