Chapter 3: A Ways Through The Thicket

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Chapter 3: A Ways Through The Thicket

After what seemed like an eternity, the bus finally screeched to stop where we needed to get off. I flew off the bus as fast as possible, shoving through the compact aisle until I tripped and landed with a thump on the sidewalk. It didn't matter though, I was free!

"Need a hand?" Noah asked jokingly.

"Nope," I replied, popping the p.

He grabbed my hand anyways and pulled me up from the ground as the bus grumbled away down the road. Ok, I really wanted to go on this promised walk, like now.

"Race you to my place!" I shouted as I took off.

I think he may have said something back, but I really didn't hear it. I was just feeling the earth rush... Wait. How had I not tripped and smashed my face in yet?

I saw my house just ahead and pushed myself further. I opened the door and threw my bag aside and tried to get upstairs, but didn't make it too far.

"How did you beat me!" I yelled through his embrace.

"I have ways," he replied with a snicker.

After Noah let me go I told him I really wanted to go on this walk. He grabbed my hand and we walked out the door heading towards a path near my house. As we neared the path I pulled him to go down the path, but Noah just picked me up like I was a feather and started into the thick woods. As I fought to get out of his grasp I asked,

"Why are you carrying me through the frickin thicket you weirdo!".

Ok, so maybe I yelled.

"Why not?" He replied causally.

"That's such a terrible answer, and you are a terrible lier," I shot back finally allowing him to carry me through the woods.

After about twenty minutes of this Survivor scenario we came to a clearing, trees all on one side, and a wall of rock on the other. Noah went to the middle of the clearing and put me down.

"How did you find this?" I asked in awe.

"It's just something we've passed down through the family I guess," he said with a sigh.

I went over to the rocks and started snooping around when, I stumble across a weird looking hole in the rocks. I could see light sparkling from inside so I assumed it was a cave and went to go see the inside. At that exact second I was pulled back my a seemingly nervous Noah.

"Want to go back to your place and watch a movie!" He asked trying to keep off the topic of what just happened.

"Sure, which one?" I said. I wouldn't let this slide though, I would ask about the cave eventually.

"Your pick,"

"I'll decide on the way back," I replied as we began trudging through the thick woods.

My thoughts wandered to the cave, and what it might contain that I couldn't see. I formulated a plan that would get me answers. He'll see.

We had just made it back to the road when I realized that the sun was just beginning to set. How long had we been out here? We got back to my house and went upstairs to my room. Noah flopped down on my bed and got comfortable while I found the movie.

"Pitch Perfect, seriously?" He complained

"Hey, my pick!" I shot back mockingly.

I climbed onto the bed and sat down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. He slowly put his arm around me, cautiously almost, and pulled me closer as the movie began.


Hey guys!

Just to give you a heads up, I may gave a serious addiction to Pitch Perfect. Prepare yourself.

Clauida is feeling better I guess after that intense walk through the middle of nowhere...

What was up with that sparkly cave? Maybe we will see next chapter?

Speaking of next chapter I plan to update by Thursday, and I promise that chapter will be nice and longggg.

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Continue being majestic,

Heidi 💙

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