Chapter 7: Unforgiven

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Chapter 7: Unforgiven

Noah's POV

I was so mad at myself, I had been so ignorant. Thorn wasn't happy either, probably because I had shut him out like that.

I was running back to Clauida's house, thinking of a way I could make her forgive me. I don't blame her for hating me, I really deserved it. I was judging her and I didn't even know who she was. I'm such a jerk.

I saw her house loom into view and I shifted back quickly, throwing on a pair of pants as I approached her house. I knew she hadn't been here recently. I started snooping around the perimeter of her house and I caught the scent of the red hawk from earlier.


"Actually, if you would stop ignoring me!" Thorn roared through my mind.

Jeez. He was so worked up about somebody that apparently wasn't even my mate.

The hawk had landed on the grass under a tree in the yard, but must have flown off again. I heard an ear pricing screech from the left, but was suddenly thrown to the ground. I felt the sting of scratches spread across my right cheek. I shifted and stood defensively, examining my surroundings thoroughly. A rush of air blew my jet black fur awkwardly. A turned around quickly and let out a threatening growl. Another screech stopped me in my tracks as I was tackled, with daggers digging into my back. This attacker was quick, strong and powerful.

To dislodge the screaming, knife wielding terror from me I rolled over and quickly stood up, I felt blood trickling from the wounds inflicted.

On the ground sat the very same hawk that had flown away from me at the beach. Anger and aggression burned in its eyes. I backed off slowly, I rather not have those talons wedged in my eye sockets.

The stupid hawk hissed at me before taking off for the woods. That hawk had the nerve to hiss at me!?

I was pretty sure I had never seen that hawk before the beach, but it looked familiar.

I followed it into the woods, curious to why it just dive bombed me.

"Came back to dis me some more?" Growled a voice from the shadows.

Opps. This was starting off bad.

Looked around sheepishly, trying to find which direction her voice was coming from. The second I turned back to the way I came from I had my face smashed into the ground.

Yep. This was going to take longer than I thought.

"Stop. Following. ME!" Clauida barked loudly.

When she let me go I scrambled away and turned around to look at her, but she was gone. There was no way she ran away without me noticing.

That's when I was knocked back to the forest floor, but I felt the sharp talons piercing my skin. I tried to shake it off, but to no avail.

"Look hawk, I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry!" I woofed through the pain.

At that the hawk suddenly let go of me and shot me a look. First filled with forgiveness almost, but the hatred soon returned. Is that what I looked like to Clauida? An insensitive, judging jerk?

"Follow that hawk, now." My wolf ordered inside.

As the red hawk took off into the woods I followed it. Eventually, we completed a circle and ended up back a Clauida's house, but that's when I noticed that the hawk was gone. I quickly caught her scent by the door. I shifted back, threw open the door, and flew up the stairs.

"Clauida!" I yelled as I swung open her door.

She was sitting on her bed, tears running down her face.

"I told you. Go away." She warned.

"I wanted to tell you..." I began

"That you apologize for assuming I'm a wimp and beating me up?Sorry Noah, but I really can't just forgive you after a few hours." She sharply threw at me.

I deserved this....all of it. I went up to the bed cautiously and sat down next to her.

"'s just..." I began, but I didn't know how to mention his whole mate thing to her.

She didn't look at me, just started at the necklace in her hands.

"I fell in love with you ok? From the second I laid eyes on you. As soon as I was old enough, I've

just been hurt by you..." I said quietly.

I watched her put the necklace back around her neck and I noticed it glowing intensely. I looked away from her for a split second, the glowing necklace jarring something in my memory. I heard a swoosh as I was pushed back onto the bed, with razor sharp talons gripping at my flesh.


Hey readers!

Sorry this is so late, but I forget I had a dance competition this weekend!

I'm currently working on 3 other books! Ah!

I am going to be setting certain days that I update so I have more regular writing schedule.

Who we be? CMC!

Heidi 💙

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