Chapter 6: The Cold Truth

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Chapter 6: The Cold Truth

Clauida's POV

I was running through the forest in the depths of the night. The forest was blanketed with a layer of snow. I was running alongside the black wolf who's emerald green eyes were glinting in the moonlight. I could feel his affection towards me as we ran together. Suddenly he stopped and growled at me like I did something wrong. He lunged towards me...

"Clauida, it's're ok." Aquas voice soothed.

I was in the rosebush still, with strands of thorns wrapped around me. It was early morning, a thick mist making it difficult to see. It took a second for my eyes to adjust and then I accessed the situation. I was still a wolf, but now I was tangled in a rosebush. My thoughts drifted to Noah. He looked so happy when I found him but then he looked like he hated me. Then he ended up in my house...

Why does he hate me?

"I wish I could tell you..." Aqua sighed.

I jumped when I heard the door open and slam shut. I could tell it was Noah. I immediately started trashing around to get his attention. I heard him stop on the stone walkway that lead to the front door and turn in my direction. My heart was pounding and I started to panic, which only made me more tangled.

He started making his way over to me, his welcoming scent overwhelming, he was still mad, which made me nervous. Ok more nervous.

He started to rustle through the bush and I just continued to thrash around. Finally he reached where I was stuck and I froze. His hard glare like an electric shock. He searched my eyes and reached down to touch me. I flinched away, scared of him. He tried again but went for the thorns wrapped around my paw instead. He gingerly untangled me, vine by vine, until I was free. I noticed my necklace behind me in the vines so I went to grab it. I looked through the tangle of leaves in front of me and jumped at the black wolf. I backed away, whimpering.

He seemed confused more than angered this time, his green eyes blazing. Remembering that nightmare I had just woken from I leaped from the bush and took of into the forest behind my house, but I knew the black wolf would follow. I still had my necklace in my mouth, I wanted it to stop, it would probably give me away. I was running, but I knew it wasn't as fast as I could go. I remembered the wave yesterday, and decided its time for me to give these powers a try.

I skidded to a halt and quickly spun around. The black wolf wasn't far off. I thought of a ball of water, which collected before me. I eyed my attacker and mentally pictured it flying towards him. The water ball shot towards the black wolf and hit him square in the face. His curiosity changed to hatred and rage as he charged forward, water dripping from his face. I just froze and watched as the wolf gained on me. He tackled me to the ground, pinning me there. Tingles and sparks flying between us. His growling ceased slowly as he studied me. I just lay there under him. Then something kicked in, I shoved my hind legs into his stomach, launching him off of me. I growled defensively, he had no reason to be chasing me everywhere!

The next thing that happened made my heart stop beating. The black wolf turned into Noah. That angered look was still on his face as he advanced back towards me. I backed away slowly.

"I don't want you! You will not be my mate, I'm already in love!" He screamed at me.

I drooped my tail between my legs and whimpered. He didn't know who I was, he thought I was trying to steal me from him.

"Go!" He continued

Aqua, I need to turn back. Now.

"Just think, you've done it already," she advised.

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