Chapter 2: Crushing

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Chapter 2: Crushing

I made it through English and Math without any major problems. The switch between classes was the painful part. There seemed to be a hundred people crowding me and the walls looked like they were close to collapsing. I sat staring out the window ignoring the teachers as they mumbled on about nothing important.

The bell rang as I gathered my stuff and prepared myself to battle the dangerous hallway. I was shoved out the door by some kid and It felt like somebody slung a hundred pounds of bricks at me. I gasped a regained my balance before forcing myself to walk to art.

"Hey Clauida, are you ok?" Called Lilly through a crowd.

To pained to speak I nodded and pushed on. As I turned down the art wing I felt relief, the floor to ceiling windows gave a great view of the forest. I heard the bell ring and snapped out of it, quickly leaping into my classroom and sitting down near the window.

My teacher, Ms. Sandy cleared her throat,

"Class, since it is the nicest day we've had in awhile, we are going to have class outside," my heart lifted and I felt like the woods was pulling me in, "grab your sketchbooks and we'll meet at the picnic table nearest the woods,"

I was the first at the picnic table breathing in the sweet scents of spring. Scents? Since when do I sit and smell the woods?!

Once everyone got there we were given our assignment, to take five things from the woods and to draw them as separate sketches. I had caught sight of a darting bunny a few minutes ago so I began to draw it first. Secondly, I drew a little clump of wild flowers I noticed in the shade of an oak tree. I saw a leaf fall from a different tree and drew it third. Next I drew the sun, correctly shading until I was satisfied. Then, lastly, I drew a tiny pine tree the was not to far off, being sure to capture every single needle. Ms. Sandy came by to inspect our work. I heard her giving others suggestions and slight criticism. When she came to me he face broke into a smile,

"The sun is beautiful, and the action of the rabbit is perfect," she said, " you did exactly what I wanted for this assignment."

She wrote a 100 in my sketch book before giving it back and going to help the next student. I put my book away and sat enjoying the outdoors until the bell rang and I reluctantly reentered the school.

I felt the presence of everyone overwhelm me. The halls shrunk around me. My chest felt tight, I couldn't breathe.

I went straight to my lunch table where Lilly was waiting or me.

"Claudia, you look like you just saw a murder!" She exclaimed.

Yep, a murder alright.

"I'm......fine. Just tired." I said sitting down.

As the table filled the pain got worse, like a rock slowly squishing me. I got up shakily to throw out the remains of my apple from breakfast. When I got back Noah was sitting next to Lilly, in my seat, whispering something in her ear. The second I approached they stopped and Noah scooted over to let me squeeze into half of my seat.

"May I help you.?" I said sarcastically.

Strange, I felt less claustrophobic near him.

"Yeah, I'm worried about you," he said meaningfully.

"I'm fine, I just want to go home..." I replied trailing off.

The pain suddenly became unbearable I put my head into my arms on the table. I could tell Noah and Lilly were looking at me. I felt it. Noah grabbed my hand and squeezed it, like he understood what I was going through.

The bell rang. God, it was like a bullet to my brain, jumbling my already confused thoughts. Luckily Noah and Lilly were in my chemistry class so they assisted me through the terrible hallway. Lilly shoved me into a seat against the window where Noah sat down next to me and Lilly sat right behind.

The woods were so green, so alluring.

All we did was watch a video on chemical reactions so I just stared at out the window behind the tv, Noah's hand tightly gripping mine under the table.

The last bell finally sounded and I let out of my seat, threw my books into my locker and mad dashed outside. It felt so nice! I walked towards the woods, but was pulled off the ground and carried to the crowded bus. He plopped me down in my seat and I shot him an irritated look back.

"What the hell Noah! It was so nice outside," I whined.

"We can take a walk when we get to your house, ok?" He said.

"Fine," I sighed and looked longingly out my window.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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I plan to update by Thursday, but maybe sooner!


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