Chapter 30: The End

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Noah's POV

"Guys something smells different!" Joey yelled in the morning, probably waking up Clauida, who was still in our bedroom.

"Go figure it out then!" I barked back, but in quieter tone.

A dreamy scent filled my sensitive nose as my mate shuffled into the room, looking extremely tired. It didn't surprise me, after you mate the females are almost always tired for awhile. She made her way to me, pushing herself against me for support I assume.

"Is my beautiful mate tired still?" I purred, wrapping an arm around her to pull her closer.

"You woke me up." Clauida growled into my chest.

"That was Joey actually, he noticed my scent is off." I replied softly as I led her to the couch.

"I just wanna cuddle all day." Clauida whined as she flopped into the couch, allowing me to get behind her and pull her into me.

"I'm not objecting to that." I complied, my wolf rumbling inside.

"Shouldn't I be like exhilarated as opposed to being exhausted?" She yawned and pushed herself closer to me.

"I just have such an amazing prowess... But no you're supposed to be tired for a day or so after. But that's only until your heat kicks back in..." I reply softly, nuzzling my mark with my cheek.

"Wait so you mean this happens frequently?" Clauida asks, more energy in her voice.

"Well I don't know the details, but it happens every so often. I mean the sex part is just the same, except you don't get tired... for a week." I hesitantly try to explain to my mate.

"Oh goddess." I hear her grumble under her breath.

"Oh sush. You know last night was amazing." I growl seductively.

"Fine." Clauida whispered back, closing her eyes.

We sat in pure silence for a moment, that was until the guys walked in.

"I'm telling you something smells weird!" Joey exclaimed as he strode in, causing Clauida to jump in my arms. I growled lowly under my breath.

"Dude I think you're on to something." Shane replied as he walked right past Clauida and I.

"It smells like a new person!" Connor yelled across the house.

"Let's all meet in the kitchen and figure this out!" Justin decided as he came into the living room, sitting right across from Clauida and I, "You two look cozy."

I shot Justin a look and pulled Clauida closer to me, as if that was even possible.

"It's weird it smells strongest in the living room." Joey muttered as he sat down next to Justin.

Eventually everyone was in the living room, the four guys trying to figure out what was different while Clauida giggled into my arm.

"Jeez you two why are you laying on the couch, where you up all night or something?" Shane observed, his eyes suddenly widening,"You two did not mate."

"Clauida tell me this is a joke." Joey cried, reaching out to touch my mate.

A vicious snarl tore from my throat unconsciously, causing Joey to back up considerably.

"Oh my goddess you two did!" Connor exclaimed.

"Great now Mr. Noah is gonna keep her hugged to his side." Justin mumbled.

"He better not!" My mate squealed from under me, I was now haunched over her, shielding her from the four un-mated males.

"With these four around you better count on it." I growled possessively.

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