Chapter 18: SOS

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Chapter 18: SOS

Noah's POV:

I growled reflexively at the voice, making sure the owner of the voice understood I didn't approve of his words. All he did was chuckle in response before continuing.

"Glad you could join us, for a second we thought we were going to lose you."

"Where am I." I demanded.

"A truck at the moment, but soon we will be arriving at our destination." The gravely voice replied.

"Why am I here?" I questioned further.

"The boss will make that apparent when the time is right." The voice stated almost robotic-like before going silent.

The boss? Why I was going to rip this guys throat out, if he was lucky!

A door at the front of the truck slammed open, the light flooding in blinding me. I heard the sound of footsteps approach me, I pushed myself to the back of my cage. The heavy footfalls ceased right in front of me, but nothing was there. The only noise was my breathing. Suddenly I felt a stab of pain in my back, I yelped out in pain. I could immediately recognize my view blurring and my eyelids grew heavier, threatening to shut. I head a chuckle spread through the truck before the door closed and I was plunged into darkness.

Clauida's POV:

Lilly was still panting heavily, and I didn't know how to respond. What kind of accident had happened that hadn't already happened? I searched my mind for something, anything. Something suddenly popped into my mind,

"What day is it?" I asked.

"Monday." One of the pack members replied.

Monday. I was supposed to be in school. Was I ever going to go back to school? One of the pack members must have read my thoughts. I recognized him from school, although, I had never spoken to him,
"You will still attend school, the teachers in this pack understand your absence today."

Then what was it? It was like if it was a common thing I should already know about. Then I remembered something, I hadn't even stopped to worry in the last 4 days about it. My stomach dropped at the thought. I looked into Lilly's eyes, and I confirmed my thoughts. Something had happened to my Aunt. Before I could inform any of the people traveling with me I had shifted, leaving a torn pile of clothes behind. I immediately felt them pressing on my mind, but Lilly must have told them because the soon stopped prying. As I thundered through the woods I felt Lilly gently press against the mental barriers I had thrown up. I allowed her to drift into my mind,

"Stop at the village, I'll catch up to you there."

I released a growl into the forest, I wanted to get home and see what's happened. I felt guilt pressure me, after all these years of Missy caring for me I allowed something ad happen to her.

As I neared the pack village I slowed down, but fear, guilt, and anxiety still plagued me.

"It must be linked to the previous incidents." Aqua thought.

"I didn't think about that before, but why would a bunch of werewolves go after a human?" I questioned back.

"She's directly connected to us by blood, anyone connected to us may be in danger." Aqua replied.

Connected by blood.....did this have anything to do with....

"Clauida!" I heard Lilly call out from behind me.

She was winded clearly, but I didn't have time to wait.

"Come on, I don't want to waste anymore time." I thought to her.

She nodded in agreement before shifting into a beautiful grey wolf. I took off through the village, weaving through the wreckage from last night and the people trying to clean it up. I barreled out of the main entrance before galloping through the meadow and down the secluded dirt road. I could hear Lilly behind me, barely keeping up with me. My instincts had kicked in at this point, my movements entirely controlled by Aqua. As we neared the road leading to my house I veered into the forest, which surprised me a bit.

"We are a secret to the public, if an blue wolf with a fin is seen on the side of the road the humans might get suspicious." Aqua informed me.

As we wove through the thick forest, the scent of werewolves filled my nose. There must have been at least five over here. As we neared my house it grew even stronger, and another scent consumed me. It was an odd sort of smell, like a new bracelet, metaly almost. It just fueled my hate fire as I pushed myself the last few feet through the woods.

My backyard which was usually perfect thanks to my OCD aunt, looked like a tornado had touched down in the middle of it. There were grass clumps everywhere, mulch and flowers scattered everywhere but where they belonged. The stench of wolves blanketed the backyard, I couldn't even tell it was mine anymore. I ran up the stairs to the back porch and it was obvious the screen door had been broken down. Following the scents upstairs I was led first to my room and I was grateful that there wasn't too much damage. Next I went to my aunt's room. The scent was strongest here, especially the strange one. I felt something break inside of me when I looked through the doorway.

Everything in the room was out of place. The bedsheets were torn from the bed, long tears through the fabric. I whimpered at the sight of blood on a majority of the things in the room. The bed was the worst, and the bloody handprints on and near the window sent a pang of sadness and guilt through me. I had let all of this happen. I had ditched the woman who had cared for me for so long. I heard Lilly thump up the stairs and stand behind me, stroking me with a gentle touch. She reminded me so much of Missy, she always had a way to calm me down. I wanted to break down, I wanted to cry, I wanted to go to my clearing and hide myself away. Lilly cleared her throat to speak,

"We tracked her as far as the street, then the scent ended. "

"So what happened?" I asked through the link, the depression clear in my voice.

"We suspect it was by a car or truck. One of the scents was recognized as a match from the attacks last night." She continued.

"So that wolf must be of importance." I stated.

"Yes we suspected, but we also found the scents of just wild wolves at the village." She added.

Somebody was taking and destroying anything related to me, but not only that, they had wild wolves on their sides. This was unfair. This was uncalled for. The feelings from before quickly disappeared and were replaced with burning anger.

I stood up and approached the bed, my body burning with rage. My only living family could be hurt, dead. My mate had been ripped from me. My pack had been ripped apart and traumatized. I could not stand for this. I would not stand for this. I stared intently a the blood that stained my aunt's perfectly white sheets and let out a snarl of aggravation. I heard Lilly stumble in the doorway, but ignored her in the heat of my rage. I gripped the blood-stained sheet in my mouth and started pulling, allowing all and any noise tear from my throat. I felt my flesh burn and I recognized the feeling of a shift overpower me, I had no idea what I had shifted into, but it felt so right. I shook my head, ready to tear apart the people who had done this to me.

"Clauida!" Lilly's shriek broke through my rage just as the sheet tore, causing me to fall off the bed.

I growled at her, anger still boiling inside of me. I pulled myself up and stalked over to the already shattered mirror, prepared to finish the already started job. I looked up and jumped at what my reflection revealed. A deep, sinister voice filled my mind,

"We will no longer stand and watch. It is time we fight."

I felt a stab of pain at the back of my mind and then everything went black.


Hope you like the chapter, it was really fun to write Clauida's POV *sinister laugh*

What do you think happened to Noah and Missy?

Just in case anyone was confused, Missy is Clauida's Aunt. Clauida sometimes calls her by her actual name.

What do you think Clauida saw in the mirror?

Who was in Clauida's head?

I've decided to start naming a song that goes with the theme of the chapter.

So this weeks' song is "Babel" by Mumford and Sons.

The quote from the song below is like Clauida's aggressive side breaking through, despite her attempts to hold herself together.

It's a great song! I highly recommend listening to it. The link is in my status.

Please comment, vote, add, and follow!

"I cry Babel! Babel! Look at me now
Then the walls of my town, they come crumbling down!"

Heidi 💙

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