Chapter 27: Explanation

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Chapter 27: Explanation

Clauida's POV

I had survived my first day at home, not like I was actually able to move anywhere anyway. Noah had gifted me with my backpack filled with stuff I would have to make up for school... Maybe being alpha wouldn't be that bad of an idea.

I woke up the following day in the most blissful of positions I could have ever been in, I was in Noah's bed, naturally, his delicious scent devouring me. His arms wrapped around my waist, forcing my back to be pressed into his stomach. Just waking up sent my body into a craving frenzy, he needed to spice it up a bit. I twisted out of his hold, smiling as his expression fell in his slumber and climbed on top of him, planting a gentle kiss on his full lips. His hand came up behind me suddenly, startling me, and pushed me back into him.

"Thought you'd get away so easily?" He growled into my neck, smothering me with teasing kisses afterwards.

"I thought you were sleeping!" I growled back in my defense, only to be shut up with a deep kiss.

The tingles that spread like wildfire through my veins drove me to kiss back, Aqua howling in pleasure as our mate showed affection toward us. I felt like an unleashed animal, I squeezed my legs tighter around him possessively. His tongue danced upon my bottom lip, begging me to give him entrance, but a twinge of nerves held me back, I had never actually gone that far with any guy before. So I was a bit relieved when his kisses trailed away from my mouth, leaving a burning trail in his wake. A shiver ran through my spine as he seemed to have found my sweet spot, a small moan escaping my lips. As he continued to torture me, I couldn't help but notice that his scent was different, it was more spicy than usual. It drew me in closer, wanting to be enveloped by the alluring scent of pine trees and cinnamon. There was something pressing against my inner thigh and after realizing what "it" was my chest tightened and my stomach fluttered. If just kissing him good morning with zero intention made his get this aroused I could only imagine what would happen I actually had an intention. My wolf was urging me to push further and the messages that swam through my mind only exciting me further. I involuntarily ground my hips into his, causing a deep rumble to resonate from his huge chest. I felt his teeth graze my neck gently, however they were much sharper than before. He teased me, lightly nipping at the skin before he sunk them in at the base of my neck sending a stabbing pain followed by a waves of pleasure. Aqua took control, sending a soft howl to drift from my mouth. I shivered as I felt Noah's tongue lap at the bite, doing what, I wasn't aware of. He lifted his mouth to my ear,

"I Noah Jackson, claim you, Clauida Treman as mine, forever and always."

I collapsed into him, exhausted,

"I love you." I whispered.


I must have dozed off because when I woke up it was lighter out. I was immediately confused to as why I was on top of Noah, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist. My neck felt sore, like I has taken a lacrosse ball to the neck or something. My hand went to the sore spot, a heated sensation racing through me at the contact. I looked back to Noah, his dirty blonde hair tussled, the wrong way, I pushed it the right way. I shivered as his arms wrapped around my back, pulling me back into him,

"Good morning beautiful." He spoke through his sleep, his deep voice oddly turning me on.

"Why do I feel like I already woke up before this?" I reply back, cuddling closer into him.

"Oh you did." He answered with a smile spreading over his face.

I thought back as hard as I could, but was drawing up blank.

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