Chapter 15: Lost

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Chapter 15: Lost

Clauida's POV

I woke up In the morning and knew immediately that something was wrong. The place beside me was cold and Noah's body wasn't pressed against mine. It sent panic through my body and I felt Aqua pace in the back of my mind. I couldn't help but share in her concern.

I sniffed the air, looking for a fresh scent but found nothing. Noah had clearly left without be noticing somehow. I realized I was still in my water wolf form, but I would be able to find Noah best in this form. Leaping off the bed, I skipped over the fresh stones which glowed under my feet until I was on the other side of the room. I scrabbled up the staircase and to the balcony, from which I would have a perfect view of my clearing.

From my high point I could clearly see the crime scene below me. The sand revealed where at least dozens of paws trampled over the sand, before they clashed into a giant pile. I immediately recognized one set of paw prints as Noah's. There was nothing distinct about them, I just felt that they belonged to my mate.

Anger erupted inside me as I realized that wolves had the nerve to attack and steal my mate from me. I could feel the emptiness well inside of me. I tried to contact him through our link, but I was only met my a mental brick wall. I felt the presence of others from the Silver pack trying to reach me. I only allowed Noah's father into my mind.

"Bernard, there's been a accident." I forcefully shoved across the link. I could almost feel him wince from my tone.

"I was just about to tell you the same thing." He replied worriedly.

I ignored his statement before continuing,

"Wolves got into my clearing. About a dozen of them, and they took Noah." I threw across the link rapidly.

"I'm not sure how many were there, but wolves invaded through the village last night.They were looking for you." He replied cautiously.

I can't believe that I'm the reason for this. Not only was my mate kidnapped, but my pack was attacked and I wasn't even there to do anything. Guilt crashed over me like a tidal wave. This was all my fault.

"No, it's not our fault." Aqua growled.

"I'm coming." I threw to Noah's dad before cutting off the link.

I leapt off the the rocks I was standing on, my paw slipping into my print pressed into the rock. I used the power the suddenly surged through me to shift mid air into my redhawk form. I dove towards the ground, gaining speed before lifting and soaring over the treetops. My pack needed me, Noah needed me, and I needed Noah.

Noah's POV:

The moment I woke up is when I made the mistake, the mistake that led me here.

I woke up with a jolt, immediately forgetting what I had dreamt to wake me up. I looked over to Clauida beside me, still in her beautiful wolf form, or one of them that is. My eyes raked her body, her blue fur, the way the moonlight reflected off of her tail. Or fin for that matter. I reached out to pet her and that's when I realized I was in my human form. Naked.

A thousand images flew into my head and as much as I enjoyed them, I shoved them from my mind, but I couldn't help the whimper that escaped from my lips.

"Someday......" I thought, trying to soothe my wolf.

"Someday? That's not soon enough." He growled in the back of my mind.

I slowly got off the bed and quietly made my way to the stone dresser, hoping that some sort of clothing was inside. I pulled open the top drawer and shut it quickly, Clauida probably wouldn't be happy that I was digging through her undergarments. Then again, did she even know they were here? I went to the second drawer and found a pair of lose shorts and a baggy blue t-shirt. I put them on before walking over the stepping stones and into the main hallway of the house. I quietly trotted down the stairs, looking for the entrance, which I realized was still open.

I walked outside and drank in the beautiful scene before me. The water fall beside me was shimmering in the moonlight, and all the surrounding water was perfectly undisturbed. It looked like they were filled with liquid silver. The thought immediately disgusted me, silver was very harmful to werewolves. Only werewolves had such a reaction to silver and because I was a half breed I wasn't affected as much as a pure werewolf. However, it was still pretty painful. I had come across a silver necklace when I was younger in a store and grabbed it unknowingly. I looked down to my palm where the shallow scar still remained. My thoughts wandered to Clauida, was she affected my anything? Did she have any weakness?

My deep thought was interrupted by the sound of a twig snapping in the distance. I sniffed the air, trying to catch a scent, but found nothing. I looked around me, but there was no,was anybody could get in here without Clauida's permission. I approached the vines near where the sound originated and the scent of werewolves wafted into my nose. I couldn't distinguish any of the scents, so I let out a growl of warning. It was returned, but from behind me. As a reflex, I quickly spun around and stood face to face with a grey wolf. He wasn't that big and I could easily take him. I shifted, feeling the clothes tear and drop in a heap under me. I snarled and lunged at the intruder, pinning him in the sand. I barred my teeth and held them to his neck, threatening to make the kill, but I was flung sideways. I looked up and saw at least a dozen wolves staring me down, threatening glares plastered to their faces. I emitted a low growl. I knew I could take a few wolves at once, but this many?

I had no chance of winning. I prayed they don't go after my mate before sending out a warning howl, mostly to the Silver pack and my father. I scrabbled out of the sand and ran for the hole in the vines that Clauida had closed on me earlier, but were now wide open. I could hear the thundering of the pack behind me, but focused on running. I leapt over one of the wider waterways, hoping to lose some of them. I made it, but slipped as scrabbled in the silky sand. I only made it another 10 feet before I was tackled to the ground, bodies piled on top of me as I fought. I felt my jaws grab something and I thrashed harder, hearing the whines of the unlucky wolf that was ensnared in my jaws. I felt something prick my neck, and I howled, allowing the wolf to escape the grasp of my mouth. I felt dizzy, sleepy, my eyes growing heavy. I closed them for a brief moment, but I couldn't open them again. I fought against sleep as it enveloped me, but eventually everything was black.


Hey everyone! This was a pretty intense chapter to write. I love to write fight scenes ❤

I would say the book is about halfway done at this point, soooo there's going to be at least another 15 chapters.

I'm not so sure about a sequel to this book, I have a few ideas floating around. Tell me should I think about a sequel?

If you guys are really into werewolf books, and enjoy my writing, I'm working on another book. The title is Chained, but I'm not planning on posting chapters until I've written ahead.

If anyone was wondering about Dancing Damage, I'm not going to be updating it for awhile. Sorry :( but I've lost all inspiration for that book. I promise I will finish it though.......eventually.

Thanks to my loyal readers! I'm really it sure how many there are of you......nobody comments on here. It makes me a little sad sometimes 😮

Thanks agains!

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But I will hold on hope

And I will let you choke

On the noose around your neck,


(And yes, that's Mumford and Sons. I love them.)

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