Chapter 22: Trial and Error

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Chapter 22: Trial and Error

Clauida's POV

"Next!" I yelled out over the crowd.

After consulting with Noah, I decided that I would need backup when I went to get him and my aunt, so in order to bring the most skilled wolves on my quest Ranger and I were holding a series of trials. Right now we had wolves sparring, one in one, and it was going painfully slow, but we only had a few more wolves left. I watched as two burly wolves began to spar on the ground in front of me. If I was choosing, I would have taken them both, but Eris and Aqua were making all the decisions.

"The grey one on the left. Not only is he a better fighter, but he's larger, he looks intimidating." Eris advised.

"I agree with Eris, the other wolf is younger, doesn't have enough experience." Aqua added.

I was surprised they were getting along so well, they were complete opposites after all. I hadn't told Lilly's father about Eris in my head, I think it was better off that way. Eris disliked the doctor, but Aqua always had a way to calm her down. Every time I could feel the anger bubble inside I told Eris that she would have her time when it came to battle.

"I have a victor!" I called out pointing to the grey wolf.

"Those were the last ones Alpha!" Ranger shouted into my ear.

"Ok, thank Ranger. Any wolves chosen right now are to attend another meeting later tonight. We will be discussing battle plans and practicing them. "

"Meet here around 5ish," ,I stated proudly, "you are released."

With that over, I decided to go for a run to let off some steam. I stripped off my clothes behind a tree and shifted into the water wolf. Running in this form was so relaxing, it made all the things happening around me seem like a bad dream. I allowed Aqua to take over for a little while. It was nice to be able to think and enjoy the scenery while someone else did the work of moving. The only thing about allowing Aqua to take control was the fact that I was with Eris. She was getting only more and more anxious as we got closer to the battle. It was odd sharing my mind with two animals, but it honestly felt like we were all just sisters.

As Aqua thundered through the forest I decided to ask Eris yet again why she was so nervous. The black wolf was pacing back and forth in the dark space where I assumed Aqua and her stayed while I was in control,

"It's Noah, I'm worried what he will think of me," Eris whined. It was almost funny, such a powerful being to be scared of her own mate.

"Eris, it'll be fine. Noah is undoubtedly in love with me, and Thorn will be ecstatic. I mean how many wolves have two legendary mates?" I replied to make her feel better. She looked at me with hope in her eyes,

"You really think so?"

"I know so Eris, now come here." I said finally.

Eris trotted over and sat down next to me, she towered over me. I mentioned for her to lay down and rest her head in my lap. I began to stroke the exquisite, dark fur causing a purr to rise from my darker half.

"You know Clauida, I miss him, and I haven't even met him before." Eris said suddenly.

"I know, but just think about how much Aqua and I miss him. I mean, I've known him the longest of all, but the night we realized we were mates or whatever we slept together. Same with the night he got taken, he kissed me Eris." I spilled, the words causing a dull ache to rise in my chest.

"Clauida, do you know about the mating process?" Eris asked after a long silence.

"No. What is it?" I replied.

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