Chapter 1: Repeating Days

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~Two months later~

Ellington POV

I light another cigarette and place it in between my lips and take a breath then let it all out. I see a lady across the room staring at me. I smirk and wink at her. She flips her hair back behind her shoulder. God, she looks beautiful.

I place my cigarette down and take a sip of my beer. I could feel the rush coming through my body and I liked it. I smile and walk over and place myself by her and instantly started making out with this random chick.

Her lips tasted like alcohol. Which mine probably did also. I slide my hand up her shirt and we both start having a wicked make out session.

"Ellington! Again ... Cmon." I hear someone say grabbing my jacket sleeve. I shrug them off and keep my lips on this beautiful lady. Suddenly, I feel something wet on me. I pull back and turn to see Vannie. She sighs and stands there with a bottle of beer that she's spilled on me.

"Fine fine fine." I mumble then turn to the girl. "Come back sometime." I flash my smile that drives the chick to kiss me one more time.

"Ellington! Come on!" Vannie yells walking towards the door. I pull back and stumble across the bar and walk out with her. She turns to me once we are outside then slaps me. "This is the second time in two days that you've been here!"

Her real name was Savannah Latimer. I called her Vannie for short because that appeals to her likings. She and I met... Well, we met at this thing I got sent to for having a addiction to alcohol. She had a addiction to taking medicine. That's something we have in common: addiction. She was better at hiding her struggles though.

"Well... I don't blame myself for wanting to get out of that hell hole I call 'family'." I fire back and she shakes her head at me frustrated.

I'm tired of everybody telling me what to do. I'm not the same Ellington they've known for their whole lives. I'm not the same Ellington that everybody loves. I'm different now.

Vannie drives me back home and right when we get there, I see Rocky waiting outside. Oh great not him again. I sigh and get out of the car.

"Well well well welcome back dude." Rocky says flashing a smile at me. I roll my eyes at him. "Ellington, you've gotta stop with this dude. You got a fam-"

"I don't necessarily call a whole bunch of strangers family. Now back off." I spat as I walk inside and Rocky stands in front of me. I widen my eyes at him.

"Don't act like this around her." Rocky pleas. I shrug it off and walk into the kitchen to see a girl, who I'm suppose to call my daughter, eating cookie dough from the fridge. I smile at her and she smiles back.

Suddenly, I snatch the cookie dough away from her and eat them out of pure joy. Rosie looks at me. "Hey, you're suppose to use your manners daddy." She says and I bend down to meet her height. I smile and drop the cookie dough on the floor and kick it. "Oops." I smirk and walk off leaving Rosie picking up the mess.

"Why did you just- never mind." I hear Ryland began. I turn to him and get out my lighter.

"Do you really want me to burn another stupid piece of DJ equipment?" I ask him. He shakes his head quickly. "I thought so."

I skip upstairs to my bedroom and slip off my jacket and sigh. I look in the mirror. Then I saw her. Her blonde hair was a mess and she looked like she had no sleep.

"Vannie told me you were at the bar again. Ellington-" Rydel began but I slap her face making her bite her lip. She shakes her head then keeps talking. "what I was saying was, you have to stop with this. I want you to be happy."

"Really? It would make me ecstatic if you just leave me alone." I smile at her and Rydel looks down.

"I miss the old Ellington." I hear her mumble. I lift her head up and look at her. Then I smile and slap her harder across the face and lean into her ear. "Stop missing it because I'm never going to be the same guy."

Honestly, I don't know why she's even with me. It's not like we kiss or anything. Rydel tries to do things for me and I don't like it. But she does anyways.

I place my lips onto hers and kiss her and she slowly kisses back and I bite her lip. She pushes me away. "Just... Leave Rosie alone." Rydel says. I nod and shut the door.

I stand there against the door and I could feel my tears come into my eyes. I can't stop loving her. I shake my head. I don't love her. She's just another annoying person that thinks she knows me. She doesn't.


Rydel POV

I walk into the living room and Rosie was staring into space. I sit by her and she sighs. "Daddy still isn't the same mommy. I miss my daddy." Rosie gets tears. I pull her into my chest and comfort her.

Ever since the wreck, Rosie has had nightmares about it. I took her to a therapist and he said it'll fade away. I just wish it'd happen soon.

It's my birthday today. Nobody hasn't told me happy birthday yet. Mom has gotten worse and I'm pretty sure dad is too busy with her to realize.

Gosh I wish everyone was here. We could party.

Riker has been living with Haylee since he had came back. She's having a boy! They decided to keep the R names going. They just won't tell what name it is yet!

Ross still is himself. He just has been missing his girlfriend. But he's talking to a new girl named Courtney. She seems nice.

Ryland is still Ryland. Nothing has really changed for him. Just doing DJ gigs all the time.

Then there's Rocky. He still thinks about Alexa. Everyday. I know he does. With Ellington being like this, he really feels lonely. Ellington was the guy he always ran to. For everything. Rockliff.

Me? I've been adjusting to everything. Every day someone always asks me now: Rydel, are you still hoping about Ellington returning to normal?

I always say yes. I haven't lost hope in him. Even though lately he's been abusing me. I take it. I hold on. When you love someone, you set them free. If they come back, they are yours. Ellington has left before. He came back.

He's mine. No matter how hard this is going to be. I know we're going to make it.

Correction: I hope we make it.

I let go of Rosie and go out to the garage. Rocky is strumming his guitar. A picture of Alexa is in front of him.

"What's up?" I ask casually. Rocky looks up and stands up setting his guitar down. He puts a hand on my cheek making me jump.

"Did he slap you?" Rocky asks worriedly. I look down. "Rydel-"

"I know I know. It's going to be okay though. I can handle it."

"You've been saying this for two months. It hasn't got any better." Rocky states. I ignore him. I sit at my piano.

"Repeating days, it's all the same." I sing quietly looking at this notebook paper that has lyrics he's been writing.

Repeating days.  It's all the same. Rocky is still not over Alexa. Ellington still isn't the same.

It's repeating days.



So happy.


Love always


Follow me on Insta: zcherron

P.S Happy 22nd birthday to Rydel! I remember when you were 19!

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