Chapter 3: Get Away

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Rydel POV

I stand there in shock. It is Alexa. The one who's suppose to be dead. I walk up and slap her face.

"What the hell was that for?" Alexa asks confused. Yep it's Alexa. I hug her and she hugs back still confused about why I slapped her.

"What.. How are you alive? We thought you were de-" I began but she burst into tears and I hate it when people cry so I hug her again.

"Rydel.. I didn't go on the trip," Alexa began and I look at her,"I have a twin sister name Lexi and she kinda got me drunk and locked me in my apartment basement with food and water. Of course I didn't have any service or I'd call for help." She says and I'm kinda taken back in shock about this.

Alexa's sister is dead. Not her. Thank the lord. Rocky and Ellington appear once again and Rocky looked stressed.

"Everybody lets get back to bed and leave these two." Ellington announces. I'm kinda surprised of how nice he is acting. I mean it's better than usual.

I pick up Rosie and take her back to her bedroom while the others go back to their rooms. Rosie lays there and I sit on the corner of her bed. "Does this mean everything is going back to normal yet mommy?" She asks. I shrug.

"I don't know Rosie, I don't know."

End of Rydel POV

Rocky POV

I stand in the hall with Alexa in a awkward silence. Then I gesture for her to go in my bedroom and she nods. We both walk beside each other to my room.

When we get there, I shut the door while she sits on my bed. I can tell she's nervous. "Ale-"

"Rocky... Our baby girl is alright. I know she's not with me right now but you'll meet her okay." Alexa says in a calming tone. I can feel my heart beating faster. "She's beautiful... I remember when we were talking baby names and I went with one of the names you said."

"Which one?" I ask sitting by her. God, it feels weird sitting beside someone you thought was dead.

"Remedy Marilyn Lynch. I named our daughter Remedy. Rocky," she says looking at me and grabbing my hand even though my hand is bigger than hers, "I missed you and I'm sorry I haven't came sooner. When I got out I heard about everything and I was scared-"

"Wait," I interrupt her,"you didn't come back when you got free or got out or whatever. Alexa, you let me believe I watched you die! Do you know how hard that was for me? I proposed to you or I thought was you. Alexa, I went through hell and back when this happened.

You don't understand the pain I was in. I lost the love of my life. Plus our daughter! You didn't bring her to me right away. You know how much I've been excited for that day. Alexa.. I don't even know what to say right now because of all these feelings I have going through my head right now-" I was yelling by now.

"Rocky, babe calm down-" Alexa began putting her hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off and kept talking.

"Alexa, you fucking left me in mid air. You think making me wait would help? Wrong. All these days, all those months without you, I lost myself. I wouldn't get up in the mornings. I wouldn't eat. I wouldn't sleep. Thank God for having my siblings because they got my ass out of bed every day. I wanted nothing else in the world except you." I state to her. Alexa bites her lip and shakes her head.

"Rocky... Do you think I was happy not being with you? Do you think raising our newborn daughter by myself was enjoyable? Hell no! I wanted you to be with me! Rocky you are a fucking idiot sometimes but I don't give a shit! I want YOU! I WANT THE ROCKY MARK LYNCH I FELL MADLY IN LOVE WITH! Rocky, I want you." Alexa yells crying out to me. I bit my lip and look away from her.

"Nobody is the same as before."

End of Rocky POV
End of Chapter 2 ❤️


AHHHHH!!! Guys I'm so so so sorry for not updating! I've just been so crazy busy! I started school up again. :( Ew. But I'm now a freshman!!!

Yeahhhhh this chapter was basically like a fill in chapter about everything with Alexa and just... Rocklexa.


I love you ❤️


QOTC: Opinion on Rocklexa at the moment in this chapter?


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