Chapter 12: I might be okay but I'm not fine at all

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Rosie POV

I slide my pink brush down my blonde hair looking at my mirror in my vanity. My brown eyes pop out at me every time I look in the mirror so I avoid looking at myself. I focus on the corners.

In the top right corner, I have a Polaroid picture of last Christmas. It was in Colorado and I had a Christmas hat on and it was obviously too big for my head. It kept slipping to my face. So I was holding the top up while Ross has me on his shoulder. I had a cheesy smile plastered on my face.

I lost my two front teeth at the same time and Rocky called me toothy. I couldn't tell him to not call me that because each time I tried saying toothy it came out as tootie. He knew it made me frustrated so he enjoyed that.

Rocky was holding a mistletoe up standing by Ross. Under the mistletoe, my mommy and daddy were kissing. I miss it when they used to kiss.

At first, each time they did I thought ew  don't do that in front of me! Little did I know that soon it would stop. They never kiss anymore. They don't even hold hands. They avoid each other's presence.

Everyone thinks I don't notice this but I do.

I notice everything.

Rocky looks empty inside and I wish I could hug him and tell him everything is going to be okay. Everything always turns out okay. At least when I get him to smile, it's a real one. Not one of those he fakes to everyone that he's fine when he's not.

I notice Ross. He acts like he loves Courtney but he's actually sad on the inside. I hear him at night strumming his guitar mumbling about life. How he hates it and how he wants to just go away forever. To drift away. But he doesn't want anyone to know because he wants to appear picture perfect.

I hear Riker and Haylee's phone calls when Riker comes over. Apparently Haylee has been cheating on him and now she's paranoid about where Riker is every moment of every day. Riker doesn't want to leave her though because of their baby. Poor baby.

Ryland goes around making out with girls. Ever since he broke up with Savannah, he's been with different girls. He just needs someone to love. I know he's going to get a princess though.

Everyone deserves a prince or a princess. Especially Ryland.

Now my mom and dad.. That's a different story. I wish they'd pay attention to me. I act as if how they are does not me. But it does.

They don't tuck me in bed like they used to. They don't stop and ask how my day was or how I am after school.

They don't know I actually hide in the bathrooms at school and cry. They don't know I am alone at recess. They don't know my classmates talk about them and how I must be weird for reading books or how I doodle on paper.

They don't know Elle calls me "Rosie Posie" meaning that I lie and I'm fake. She even got a Barbie doll and put it in my cubby and wrote a note saying that's me. A Barbie doll. With her blond hair and skinniness and fakeness.

I guess everyone has their secrets. Even me. Everyone is broken.

Nobody knows anything anymore.


This is kind of a sad chapter.
I hope you enjoyed it though.
I love you all!
Love Zayne

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