Chapter 10: Halloween Last Part

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Ellington POV

I pace around thinking where in the world could Rydel be. She isn't in her room. She isn't hiding in the bushes. She didn't take my car.

I start walking down the street until I see a blonde just like Rydel in the exact costume Rydel had. Is that Rydel?

Wait, no. Duh it's Rydel Ellington. She looks like Rydel with the same costume of course it's Rydel. Are you out of your mind?

Why am I talking to myself?

I start walking faster and then a little something bright in her hand. Oh my god am I having an illusion of her having flaming hands?

Shut up mind.

I start prancing my feet as I walked to Rydel. Everything will go perfect. Everything must go perfect. I know my feelings and I know hers. Or I hope I do.

I am a few feet back when suddenly a flame bursts into the old rusty gazebo. I burst into a full out run and I realize that Rydel had matches in her hand.

Holy shit she set the fucking thing on fire.

"Holy shit." I mumble thinking that it wasn't possible to hear me. Rydel spins around with her eyes wide looking at me. I suddenly lost my control of words.

"Ell- Ellington. What- why are you here?" She stutters and her voice hangs with every word she said.

I could tell she wasn't coordinated. She was swaying a little, I don't think she was meaning to. I step closer and the strong sense of alcohol came into my scent of smell. Rydel has been drinking.

The gazebo makes a eerie noise before one side collapses into the other. Thank god there's a little lake around it. Always reminded me of a troll bridge.

"I came here looking for you. What do you think? Rydel-" I say reaching out for her hand. She steps back. Alright then. "We need to talk."

"Yeah we do. Ellington, we are done." Rydel announces. It takes me a moment to comprehend what the words just came out of her mouth.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask. Rydel looks down and I could tell tears were coming down her cheeks. I step closer and our eyes meet.

Then, it started sprinkling then quickly turned into a full out downpour of cats and dogs.

"It means we can't be together. We can't go and stop. If you drove a car driving and stopped and went as you pleased down the road, there will come a time that the car will get hit or crash. We are in a car. We keep stopping and going. I'm stopping this. I'm stopping us before we crash." Rydel explains. Her hair was starting to get soaked. I bite my lip.

"Rydel, I know we haven't been.. Together lately. Or even that. But I know now that I love you. I always have as long as I could remember."

"Yeah, that sounds ironic considering you lost your memory then you remember then bam you realize it." Rydel says not making any bit of sense.

"Rydel, you're drunk. Let's just go." I say grabbing her hand without asking. Rydel starts to take her hand away when I grip tighter on her hand. She gives away trying.

"Ellington, just.. Kiss me." Rydel mumbles. I look at her then my lips connected with hers. Her lips tasted like wine. Sweet. Red. Wine.

Rydel pulls back and has her hands gripped on my tux. "Ellington, I can't love you. We aren't meant to be. Every time we are together, something always comes between us. We are never going to make it." Rydel looks down. I lift her chin back up to meet my eyes.

"Rydel, why do you think we keep falling apart then coming back together like magnets? Nothing can keep us apart. Couples have their rough times and every time we come back, we come back stronger." I say without thinking. Wow where the heck did that wise words come from? A person typing my words out of my mouth? My brain? Probably my brain.

Rydel stares at me dumbfounded. I grab her face and kiss her. Rydel grabs my tux and kisses me back. We stumbled back falling into the grass. My hands run up her dress and she takes off my tux. I start kissing down her neck when I realize: we are outside on the grass in the rain. I stop and look at her.

We both sprint up and I grabbed my tux and she fixed her dress. Rydel bites her lip and looks at me. "I hate that I love you."


"I've promised myself that I won't give in into you. I won't. I'm sorry Ellington." She says walking off leaving me standing in the rain.

What just happened?

Hey guys! I just updated this while I'm at school 😂.
Anyways I hope you guys liked this.
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