Chapter 21: One and Only

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Rydel POV

Today is going to be a good day. It'll be one of the rare days where nobody is home except Ellington and I. The thought makes my heart skip a beat.

I lean up and quickly realize how I don't have a shirt on along with pajama pants. I pick up Ellington's shirt off the floor and slip it on. I smile and smell it.

It had his scent. It Smelled like cologne and I just wanted to hug the shirt because it smelled good. I go in the kitchen and right away my stomach hurts.

Ugh, maybe it's my period starting finally. I was suppose to start last week. I go in the bathroom and check.


The thought comes into my mind: Am I pregnant? I can't be. Then again... We've done it... A couple of times. Maybe more than a couple.. Just maybe.

I open my cabinet of all my supplies necessarily for me. I pull out a pregnancy test.

I test.


Ellington POV

I yawn and sit up to see no sight of Rydel. I grin and look for my shirt. It was no where to be found. I go into the kitchen and make a bagel for myself.

"Boo." Rydel whispers behind me. Her voice makes my heart beat faster than normal. Every time. I turn to see her in my shirt and I put a finger to my chin as in a deep thought.

"I think it looks better on you than on me," I observe and Rydel strikes a pose making me chuckle. God, I love her.

Her face is glowing more than normal. "Why are you so happy?" I question her and she just shakes her head at me then goes to the living room.

I throw away my bagel not even taking a bite. (Now say it with me: WASTEFUL ELLINGTON LEE RATLIFF!) (I know it's a waste shhhhhh)

I walk into the living room where Rydel has her glasses on and is looking at a scrapbook. She's always so beautiful with her glasses, why doesn't she wear them more? I sit beside her and take a glance at the scrapbook she was looking at.

It was us at our wedding. I don't even remember half of this. I didn't even remember how Rydel looked. She looked amazing. I guess Rydel could read my mind. "You don't remember this, do you?" She asks with her voice cracking. I bite my lip and shake my head. She goes into a thought then stands up. "Stay here." She orders me and I stay where I am.

God, I feel like I am a dog that just got told to stay, what is next? Tell me to bark or fetch?

I fiddle with my fingers waiting for Rydel. What is taking her so long? I close my eyes and space out for a second... "Ellington!" Rydel exclaims and I open my eyes.

Rydel is wearing her wedding dress and god, she looked amazing and beautiful. Her hair was curled and was poking under her ears but I imagine her hair being long and curled straying behind her back. Her wedding dress had beading along the side and it fit perfectly around her.. How did I get so lucky?

"You... You look beautiful." I could barely get the words out of my mouth and she grins at me and pulls me up from the couch.

I am so underdressed for this.

Her hands intertwine with mine and she starts playing slow songs as we dance around in the living room. Our eyes stayed deep in focus with each other's. I'm having so many feelings right now in this moment with her.

"Rydel... I'm in love with you." I whisper to her and she smiles widely and softly pecks my lips.

"I'm in love with you too." She whispers back her lips move against mine as she whispers back.

I undo her wedding dress and she giggles then moves her hands to mine and pushes them away. I look at her and she shakes her head. "No, not right now." Rydel succumbs to my touch and I bite my lip before nodding.

I go to the bathroom to take a piss. I see something interesting in the trash can and I look closer and my eyes widen at what I see.


Wooooooooooo suspense
And rydellington.
I'm updating in algebra class.. YOLO.



QOTC: What do you think about this? What do you think Ellington saw? Is Rydel pregnant orrrrr?





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