Chapter 25: Old Friends &... Family?

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Rydel POV

I check myself in the mirror. My belly is getting bigger and that makes me a little jumpy. I'm almost four months now and I'll be honest: I can't wait for him (baby) to come! Rosie has been okay with it. Even though I know she wanted a sister. Trust me I wanted a sister too when I was her age.

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear the doorbell. I sit down my hairbrush and go get the door. I open it to Laura holding a goodie basket in her hands. Oh my gosh I haven't see her in forever! I take the basket allowing her to come in and I sit the basket down then look at her. "I'm so happy to see you!" Laura and I say at the same time then giggle. We hug each other so tightly.

God, she's still short.

"I heard about you having another baby and I thought well I better come tell you congratulations! I missed seeing you so much." Laura exclaims and I nod in agreement then hug again. I heard the back door open and Rocky comes walking into the kitchen.

"Wha- Laura." Rocky realizes who I'm hugging. Laura stops hugging me to look at Rocky and they stare at each other for a second. Wow, I feel awkward. "W-well hi to you too." Laura says quietly, I could barely hear her. Rocky bursts into a huge grin. He walks over and pulls Laura into a long hug too. So many hugs.

"Ma-" Rosie walks into the kitchen then sees Rocky and Laura. She looks at me with 'what is going on' face and I simply shrug. Laura and Rocky stop hugging and it grows very awkward. I sigh and grab a muffin then walk out with Rosie following me. "Can I walk over to see Aunt Courtney?" Rosie asks and I nod. She smiles then starts going to the garage.

"Don't forget to wear your helmet!" I warn her and she rolls her eyes. Ugh, her sassy comes from Ellington.



I eat popcorn as I watch Mean Girls. I'm still waiting for fetch to happen. Laura left along with Rocky to "check out some squirrels" which I've never heard of someone doing before. I mean, I guess it's cool?

Ellington left for the week to go spend time with his family in Wisconsin. I said Rosie and I could go but he told me he didn't want anything to happen to the baby. I sigh and dig deeper into my popcorn bowl. Eating at this rate, I figure that I'll be fatter than necessary when it's time to have our boy. I'll be a walrus. Stop eating so much. I pull a blanket over me and cuddle into it.

I guess it's awesome that I have some alone time. It's very rare that I do actually.

Right when I think that, the doorbell rings. Ugh, I just jinxed myself. I sigh and slip on my Hello Kitty slippers and walk slowly over and open the door. A tall brunette with hazel eyes is looking at me. "Are you Rydel Lynch?" She asks and I bite my lip.

"It's Ratliff. But yeah that's me. What is it?" I ask and I find her looking at my stomach. I'm becoming noticeable oh my god! "Hey, can you please stop staring?" I snap at her bringing her eyes back to mine.

"I-I.. Can I come in? Please?" She asks me. She's a stranger.. But she looks not harmful. I look at her for a second then step out of the doorway and she sighs of relief then walks in and heads straight to the couch.

"Oh my god, you're watching Mean Girls? I love that movie!" She exclaims and I smile.

"I do too!" I say back and we both make a giggly sound then look at each other. We bust out laughing. Wait, she's a stranger Rydel who asked to go into your house. I put my serious face back on and pause the movie making her look at me. "Now, why are you here?" I ask simply. The girl looks at me.

"You really don't know who I am do you?" She asks. I shake my head and a flash of hurt goes into her eyes then is replaced back to normal. She bites her lip for a second then tells me the next sentence.

"I'm Rachel and I'm your sister."

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