Chapter 24: Moving On & Baby Genders

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Ellington POV

It's been a few weeks since Rydel told me about her pregnancy and buying the house. Since then we've been packing and moving things. Not Rydel though. I wouldn't let her carry a box in case it harms our baby. She tried to though but each time I caught her and carried the boxes for her. "I hate not helping move Ellington. I feel helpless." I recall Rydel whining at one time.

Rocky, Ross, Ryland, and Riker helped us move also. Riker brought the twins and Rosie played with them (even though they were still young and couldn't do anything really). Rydel and Vanni picked out furniture for the house and Riker (with Rocky) helped move that furniture in also. Everything was falling into place perfectly.

Ross and Courtney decided they should move in together since they're engaged. It took Courtney a few days to give Ross an answer but when she did, Ross was jumping off the walls ecstatic that she said yes.

Seriously though, he was jumping off the couches hitting the walls.

Rydel has had morning sickness and hasn't been very active. She is getting a small bump. Don't get me wrong, it is not noticeable. I just notice because I have everything memorized about her. Her hair falls in her face when she is tossing her in sleep meaning she isn't comfy. How she sleeps in cars with her mouth wide open like she just passed out.

Reminds me of the time we were in London and she was asleep when we were videoing her. Even then, I thought she was adorable. Everything about her is adorable to me. Even her flaws that she doesn't like about herself, I like.

I know no one is perfect, but Rydel is perfect to me.

I sigh and eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the living room on the floor watching something on TV (honestly have no idea what I am watching). Rosie was laying on the couch reading a book. I swear, she loves reading as much as Rydel and Rocky do. I am not a big reader though.

Our house has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Even has a swimming pool in the back with more room for a trampoline even, it is big. Then there is the normal living room and kitchen with a dining room.

There is a bathroom connected to Rydel and I's room. It even has a shower with good hot water and could get all steamy in there... Woops.

Rosie has her own room which is pretty big enough to have her keyboard, bookshelf, record player, TV (which Rocky took the time to put up on her wall, he spoils her), her dressers and of course her bed. We wouldn't make our princess sleep on the floor. She literally has a sign on her door that says she is a princess.. We so don't spoil her.

The third room is the baby's room. We are finding out today if we are having another girl or a boy. I hope its a boy, but a girl is good too.

The last room is the music room. Rocky is thinking about making a recording studio in here so he could come over when ever to make music. He already almost comes over every night to talk to us and mess around with Rosie.

"Ellington, could you go start the car?" Rydel mumbles walking into the living room in sweats with a sweatshirt. I right away stand up and start for the door. Right away, I open the door and go out to my car and start it up.

I walk back inside to Rydel and Rosie bonding over the book she was reading. I will never get how people read so much, or even write books.

I wonder if anyone could ever write about me and Rydel with our lives, falling for each other and every thing.


Rosie, Rydel, and I arrive at the hospital to be met with Ross. I didn't even know he knew that we knew he know we didn't know we were going to be here today. It was a nice surprise though. We all walk in and Rydel signs in. Together we sit and wait. I held Rydel's hand and she squeezed it every so often and we'd smile at each other. Ross and Rosie were playing something on his phone.

"Rydel Ratliff." We hear her name be called and we all stand up and walk into a room. Rydel lays down and the doctor lifts her shirt to show a little bump in her stomach. She started put gel on her stomach and Rydel jumped. "It's so cold." She giggles and I kiss her forehead. Ross smiles at us.

We watch as Dr. Montgomery gives the ultrasound. We could hear the heart beat and it seemed so amazing. We have another baby on its way. All because of Rydel's sexiness and mine. We couldn't keep our hands off each other and it led to this.

"Well... It's a boy."


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