Chapter 27: Adultery

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Rydel POV

"Get out" I say silently with tears threatening to run. She can't be my sister. I am the only girl. It's only me and my brothers. Her eyes stare at me, not making a move. "Get... OUT!" I yell standing up from the couch making her stand also.

"Rydel, I know it's hard for you to get through your head but it's true. Your dad is my dad too," she smiles a little and steps closer to me making me step back from her. My dad can't be her dad. He wouldn't dare cheat on mom.

Or would he? No Rydel, don't doubt that. Dad did not. God, I'm arguing with myself.

"You're lying. You-you are just another one of those stalkers who knows things about my family." I stutter with my lip trembling. Rachel gets a picture out of her pocket and hands it to me. A tear slips down my cheek as I look at it.

There's a baby wrapped in a pink blanket and a man in a rocking chair holding her. It was my father. I bite my lip and look at Rachel. He knew about her the whole time. My dad didn't even mention to my brothers and I that we had another sister. All this time I thought I was the only daughter. The only daddy's girl. Turns out, I was wrong.

"I'm sorry, I just need some time to process this," I push her slightly towards the door. Rachel studies me for a moment then nods understanding (finally!) that the word get out wasn't in her vocabulary. I watch as she goes out and gets into her Mercedes Benz then drives off.

I slip on my coat. Looks like someone is getting a visitor today.


"Rydel." My dad says as he opens the door. I can't remember the last time I- oh yeah my mom's funeral. He cheated on mom. Anger repulsed through my veins. I storm in and shut the door behind me.

"Why?" Was all I simply say, getting a confused look from my dad. I walk over and pick up a picture frame of my dad with my mom. I throw it on the ground smashing the glass into a million pieces. God, I could so break so many things right now. "You cheated on my mother. You cheated on your WIFE!" I scream at him. He looks down suddenly.

He's guilty.

"Mark honey who's down there?" I hear a female voice from the hall. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. I start walking when he grabs my wrist. "Rydel Mary Lynch, you don't understand-" I shake my hand from his grip.

"I DON'T UNDERSTAND? YOU COMMITTED ADULTERY AND YOU SAY I DO NOT UNDERSTAND?" I yell at him. I step closer to him. "You cheated on mother. You had a daughter that none of your other kids knew about? You had a affair!" I burst crying.

Suddenly, I felt something. My baby kicked. My son kicked for the first time. I put a hand on my stomach and smile despite the situation that's happening right now. "I love you." I whisper silently to my stomach.

A woman walks into the living room wrapped in a robe. She looks exactly like an older version of Rachel. I bit my lip. "You're Rachel's mother aren't you?" I ask quietly. She nods and walks up to me. A smile appears on her face.

"Rydel, I love your father. I have always loved him and I never stopped. I'm so sorry about your mom-" she was saying before I slapped her across the face. She saying sorry about my mom? Hell no.

"You're not sorry. You think that you can replace my mom, but you can't. You are nothing to me. You mean nothing." I spat in her face making her widen her eyes. My dad grabs my arm.

"Rydel I have raised you-"

"Raised me? Ha! You were never there for me. Mom was always there for me. The only time you were there was when Ellington and I started dating," Ellington. "I was raised to do the right thing and I actually love my husband. I would never betray him in this way, mom would be so disappointed and heartbroken if she were here right now." I state. My dad lets go of me. I walk to the door and open it.

"You're nothing to me. Not even my father. Stay away from my family and your sons because we are done."

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