Chapter 9: Halloween Part 2

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Rydel POV

I get a drink of punch. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one not drinking alcohol right now. As usual. I stand leaning against the wall observing my surroundings.

There's people in the craziest costumes. One guy is bacon and it makes me hungry for bacon. Not him as bacon. But actual bacon.

Then there's this goth couple. They're all black. It kinda creeps me out.

Then my eyes land on a drug. Not just any drug. My drug. My addiction. The one that makes me go out of control.

Our eyes were staring into each other and I could feel my heart flutter. He smiles widely at me with this adorable expression on his face. I start to smile back when suddenly I see a girl grab him by the shirt and their lips connect.

My heart sinks to my stomach. I shake my head. I should've known. Ellington wasn't going to come back. Its dumb to wish that he was.

Rydel, this isn't some fairytale in a fan fiction. Snap into reality.

I walk quickly to the kitchen passing Rocky and Alexa kissing. I put my punch in the trash. I open the cabinet and grab the biggest wine bottle I could see.

Looks like tonight I won't be the only one not on alcohol.


I storm out the door into the neighborhood. I walk over to the gazebo on the end of the street. I walk in and there's lights shining.

There was Riker sitting in a swing bench staring into space biting his nail. He's either in deep thought or nervous. I can't decide.

I walk over and sit on the bench beside him and he looks at me startled. "What- Did Haylee send you to find me?" He asks. I shake my head no. He sighs of relief and runs his hands through his hair.

I pop the top of the wine bottle and start to drink it. Riker looked at me as if he was surprised by this. If I was watching myself, I would be surprised too.

I don't want to deal with anyone else's problems right now. I don't even want to think about Ellington. I chug the wine bottle.

Before I knew it, the whole bottle was empty. I felt drowsy and giggly suddenly. "You alright Rydel?" Riker asks worriedly. I giggle and bop his nose with my finger.

"Me? Of course I am! I'm always so happy and nobody ever knows how I really feel because I don't tell anyone! I'm perfect!" I say slurring a little then giggle.

"Rydel, I think we should go back." Riker suggests. I look at him then roll my eyes. "Delly, you're drunk. Come on let's go." He says then grabs my hand. I yank my hand out of his and glare at him.

"Riker, you're my older brother but I'm not going to let you decide things for me. I'm pretty sure I screwed up everything in my life so let me have some fun." I respond back. Riker blinds at me. Then slowly, he got up and started walking away.

"Finally." I whisper to myself. I get my phone out and start looking through my songs.

I start playing songs by Taylor Swift.

I get up and turn my volume all the way up. I sit my phone down and start dancing around the gazebo by myself.

"FUCK ALL THE GUYS! I don't need any guy!" I yell at the world and put my middle finger up in the air.


I stop dancing. "Ellington.." I plump myself on the floorboard of the gazebo. My dress looks wet from spilled wine. I take off my wig and throw it.

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