Chapter 18: Connection & Confessions

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Rydel POV

I slowly open Rosie's door and peek in. Rosie is writing at her desk. I walk in quietly and shut the door behind me. Rosie spins around to face me. "Why are you in here?" She asks.

"Well, one is because I'm your mother and I'm worried about you. Two, because I can come in your room. It's not forbidden." I respond. Rosie slowly nods. "I know you think you're off the hook with the principal office thing but you're not."

"Mommy," Rosie begins (she usually says mommy when she doesn't want to get in trouble), "It isn't my fault that Ellie is a bit-"

"Rosie!" I interrupt her. "You know you can't say bad words."

"But mommy, uncle Ryland says them." Rosie answers. She's got a point. Ryland does cuss. Ugh brothers.

"That doesn't mean you can, and missy. You can't think that going to the principal's office is okay. In fact I've never been to the principal." I point out.

Even though Rocky... Ross... And Riker have. The only reason Riker went was because sophomore year a boy hit my butt and Riker became overprotective..

He shoved him against the locker and threatened him... It wasn't that bad.

"I'm sorry." Rosie mumbles. I smile and rub her back. "It's okay." I pull her into my arms for a hug and she hugs back.

My baby girl is growing up.


Dinner came around and everybody started getting home. I decided to make homemade chicken noodle soup.

I was standing by the counter stirring the soup so it'd cool off when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "It smells delicious." Ellington whispers in my ear kissing my neck sending chills up it. I stop stirring and move his arms away.

I turn to look at him and he kisses me softly on the lips and I kiss back. It was perfect sync every time. Not one second out of sync. "RYDELLINGTON IS KISSING IN THE KITCHEN!" Rocky yells making Ellington pull away.

"You know you like Rydellington." Ellington smirks at Rocky and he rolls his eyes.

"You know it." He snaps his fingers and we all start laughing.


Soon, it was time for everyone to eat. I kinda force the guys to sit at the dinner table because family time is important. Rosie loves it too though. It was basically the only part of the day we all are in one room together.

"So I heard from a little bird of mine that you got sent to the principal's office," Ryland begins. "Good job." He gives Rosie a high five.

"Ryland-" I begin.

"I'm kidding Rydel take a chill pill." He responses. I continue eating my soup while everyone makes small talk.

That got interrupted when Ellington decides to put his hand on my thigh. I start feeling tingly and my focus goes off from my food.

It feels like my brain is just: Ellington. Ellington. His hand is on my thigh. Oh my god. Adggtjfghfgjh.

"Rydel, did you hear what I said?" Ross asks and I look up. He smiles. "Courtney is planning a dinner and she asked if you could help her."

"Of course I can." I answer. He smiles and nods then gets back to his soup. The doorbell goes off.

"I'll get it!" Rosie and Rocky yell at the same time. They look at each other then they take off running to the door racing each other.

Rocky and Rosie are still two peas in the pod. Have been since.. She was born.

They come walking back with Vanni behind them and Ellington jumps out of his chair. "Vanni!" He exclaims and he tackles her into a hug.

I don't know very much about Vanni. I just know when Ellington was getting help for his alcohol addiction. That brought them close I guess.

"Cmon you sit and have dinner with us." Ellington instructs her to sit down. Ross fixes her a plate and puts it in front of her.

"Just asking, where's Riker?" Vanni asks. Riker and Vanni met at the Halloween party...

I still don't remember what happened there.

"Riker is with his wife Haylee. They recently had their twins Storm and Rain." I inform her. Her eyes show disappointment for a second.

"Well.. Congratulations to them." She fake smiles and takes a bite of her soup.


Soon after everyone finished I was doing the dishes and Vanni decided to help me with them. I tried to tell her she didn't have to but she wouldn't take no for an answer.

There was a question bothering me all evening ever since she got here: Did anything happen between you and Riker? I wanted to ask that.

I wanted to. I know it isn't my business but Riker is my brother. "Rydel?" Vanni asks and I snap out of my thoughts and look at her. "You okay?"

"Yes." Was all I simply said then left the kitchen.


I guess it was obvious something was wrong. I was by myself in bed hugging my pillow to my chest. I could feel the tears coming.

Lately, this has been normal. I mean, I have Ellington back which is amazing. I just.. I don't know what's wrong with me.

"Rydel?" Ellington knocks on the door. I mumble a yes and he walks in and shuts the door behind him. "What's wrong?" He asks sitting on my bed by me.


"Rydel Mary, I know when something is wrong. If you don't tell me," he pauses then places his hands on my cheeks and squishes them. "I will attack you with my Ellington powers."

This made me laugh and he stopped squishes his cheeks. "That's my favorite noise to hear." He says looking at me. I pat the covers and he gets under them. I turn over and switch the light off and turn back to face him.

I could see his figure in the dark. "What noise?" I ask quietly.

"Your laugh. I love it. It makes me smile. When you smile, it makes me smile. When you're happy, I admire you. You're so beautiful Rydel," he scoots closer and I could feel his breath. "When you're sad, I just want to be that superhero and lift you off your feet. I would do anything to make you smile or laugh like that.

I would cross the world to you. I would risk my life for yours. I would die for you Rydel." Ellington confesses. My heart skips a beat.

"I'll always be in love with you."


  I just half of this in the bathroom. Not even sorry.


3. Do you love Rocky and Rosie's relationship as much as I do? I think not. :)




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