Chapter 7: Trip To The Mall

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Rydel POV

"This is Halloween, this is Halloween. Everybody scream." Rosie sings at the breakfast table. I can feel Ellington's eyes on me as we eat.

Ross bursts into the kitchen making both Rosie and I jump. He smiles at us. "Can you please let me come to the mall with you guys?" He asks. I nod and he sighs of relief. Silly brothers.

I finish breakfast and take mine and Rosie's plates. Ellington's plate was still sitting in front of him but I could tell he was done. I pick up the plate. "Hey, you didn't have to-"

"Yeah, I did. You were done and I wanted to pick it up. It's not a problem." I interrupt him. He stares at me for a minute then gets up.

I put the dishes in the dishwasher. I turn around coming face to face with Ellington. Our noses were touching. I could feel his breath on my face. His eyes stared into mine.

"Hey guys can I go to the mall with y'all?" Ryland walks in breaking the awkwardness. Ellington leaves the kitchen. I look and Ryland then nod. "Awesome!" He yells to himself.

Rosie stays in the kitchen watching tennis.


By noon,  I was ready to go.

Rosie has decided she wanted to be a Pink Lady from one of my favorite movies (also one I was named from) Grease. I have to say I'm a proud mom because my daughter loves Grease as much as I do.

"Should Courtney and I be Romeo and Juliet or is that too cheesy?" Ross asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "You're such a help."

"It's your Halloween costumes." I respond back. Ross gets in the backseat followed by Rosie then Ryland.

I walk back inside the house and grab a megaphone out of the cabinet and put it to my mouth. "ANYONE ELSE WANTING TO GO TO THE MALL? IF SO, COME OUTSIDE OR BE DOOMED." I say into the megaphone. I stand there for a second checking if anyone was going to come down.


Ellington walks down the stairs in a plaid flannel with a white tshirt with jeans. Plus green converse. He looks hot. What? Shut up Rydel.

Our eyes met and he flashes a smile at me and I smile back. I guess we were standing there for a few seconds because I heard someone honk the horn.

Ellington and I walk out to the car and he looks at me. "You don't have to drive." He suggests. I shake my head.

"I'll drive."

"You don't have to."

"I want to."

"I'll drive though."





"YO JUST COME ON AND LET ELLINGTON DRIVE!" Ryland yells interrupting Ellington and I's debate. Ellington flashes a grin at me and I hit his shoulder.


Ellington was a maniac driver. Ryland and Ross had this we are going to die face the whole drive to the mall. Meanwhile Rosie looked like she was in another world.

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