Chapter 8: Halloween Part 1

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Ellington Pov

Rydel kisses me softly on the lips. I kiss her back. Her lips taste like cotton candy. Perfection. I break away from Rydel and look at her.

"Ellington-" she starts to say something but I place a finger to her lips. Her eyes meet mine.

"Rydel, you're mine. You've always have. You're the good parts of me. You. Make. Me. A. Good. Person. I need you. I'll always need you." I tell her and tears spill from her eyes down her cheeks. I wipe the tears from her cheeks and our noses touch.

"You-you mean that?" She stutters. I nod quickly and kiss her. I've never stopped loving her. I knew it but I didn't want to admit it. I've treated her horribly and-

"Ellington! Wake up!" Rocky shakes me awake from my nap. He smiles at me. "Were you dreaming of Rydel?" He asks. I could feel myself blush.

"What? How did you know?" I ask. Then it occurred to me: I sometimes talk in my sleep. Shit.

"You know how I know now cmon man you got to get ready for tonight." Rocky orders me pulling me off the couch. I sigh and go and put on a tuxedo.

I'm being James Bond. I don't really know what else to be. Rydel is being Rapunzel (no surprise). Rocky is being... Himself. I'm pretty sure the only people who are dressing up are: Rydel, Rosie, Ross and his girlfriend, Riker, and me.

I comb my hair and hear a knock at the door. I open it to see Rosie in her Jessie costume with the biggest grin on her face. "How do I look?" She asks.

"Spectacular." I smile. Rydel appears beside Rosie. Her hair has flowers in it and she looks drop dead gorgeous. I had to make myself look away from her.

"Remember Rosie, you're staying with g-ma tonight after trick or treating." Rydel reminds Rosie.

Rosie is going to stay with my parents tonight while we all party until.. I don't know when. I know past midnight because Rocky's birthday.

"WHO IS READYYYYYY FOR HALLOWEEN BETCHES!" Ryland yells jumping out of nowhere making Rosie jump.

Rydel and I steal a glance at each other and smile.


"Thank you so much mom." I smile at my mom. She decided that she wanted to take Rosie trick or treating by herself. She never sees Rosie and Rosie loves my mom. I know she's disappointed about me not being her date but she'll forgive me.

Rosie hugs Rydel first, really tight. I could tell by her claws tightened around her arms. Her nails are so long they're basically claws on a human being.

Then Rosie turns to me. She smiles at me then walks out the door. Not. Even. Giving. Me. A. Hug. I sigh and make it as if it didn't bother me.

After she leaves, Rocky walks in the back door with beer and wine with new shot glasses. "Dude, you plannin' on partying until morning?" I ask. Rocky sighs and shrugs.

"Alexa is cheating on me." He blurts out. I stop in my tracks. What the fuck Alexa? "I found a condom in her car."

"Did you ask her about it?" I ask. Rocky shakes his head. Of course he hasn't yet. He hasn't seen her in two days. "Rocky, you just can't assume the worst. Hey, maybe she had it in there so after tonight you two can fuck in her car."

"Dude, if I wanted to do that, it would in a nicer place than in a car. I just.. I have this bad feeling man." Rocky sighs. I put my hand on his back.

"It'll be alright."

I hope so.


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