Chapter 28

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I wake up early Friday morning, get ready and head out to the barn. I feed the horses and get their tack unpacked, than once Artisto is done eating his scrumptious grain I tack him up, and lead him into the arena. Were we than go over our routines for the try outs which begin Saturday! I'm nervous but excited for the amazing opportunity.
Soon I'm finished with Artisto and moving on to Lady. Both horses did amazing and I'm confidant that we will do great at the try outs tomorrow.
Heading back up to the cottage I find everyone gone except for Zack who's standing on the porch with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Hey Val" he gives me a grin "What's up Zack?" I pull off my riding boots "Nothing, you're Dad and his girlfriend went out to explore the town, and you're grandparents went fishing" laughing I walk past him into the house, Zack follows me up to my bedroom and patiently waits for me to change into something without horse saliva, dirt, and mushy unknown substances. I come out of the bathroom to find him sitting on my bed. "Want to go on a walk?" He asks "Sure" smiling at him I accept the offer.

We leave the house and carry with us a packed lunch.
"So are you ready for tomorrow?" Zack questions "Totally, I think we got this!" Smiling at each other we quicken our pace, making our way over to a nearby lake. Soon we slow down and he takes my hand slowly into his own, I give him a small smile and give him a squeeze. We reach the lake and lay down the blanket. Sitting down we just look at each other. Something tugs my heart, and a queasy feeling explodes like a million butterfly's taking flight. He slowly leans into me, cups my cheek and gently kisses me. That kiss lasts forever. And soon he's on top of me and I'm under him and that's when I ask the question "What do you see in me?" "I'm bald, and chemo ruined my appearance" Zack looks me in the eye and puts a finger to my lips "You are beautiful and I love you" quietly I repeat the I love you part back to him and love just takes over.

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