Chapter 26

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Summer is halfway over and I have blue all over my wall! My horses have been winning left and right and we almost have enough wins to go to the tryouts for the Olympics which is at the end of August. I have not gotten my results from the cat scan back but the doctor says that it takes some time to get the results. I still have that burning feeling throughout my body but its eased away. Edith is still pumping... but she keeps telling me that I should make a will, (I keep telling her no) she is so annoying but we have grown to enjoy eachothers company at the hospital. I look up from my journal just finishing my sentence, to see the nurse walking towards me, I grab my stuff and wait for the nurse to unplug me from the machine. After I get a quick checkup I'm good to go, looking over at Edith I wave goodbye and turn to leave, as I am just about to open the big hospital doors Edith yells with her fragile voice "Get a will kid" I laugh and leave the hospital skipping. I have'nt told anyone about the burning in my bones since I'll be getting the results of my cat scan soon. Because my doctor says that things are looking up to the sun! He believes that my cancer is going away. I can't wait to leave for the try outs which are next weekend... OMG I'm so excited for the games and I just hope to be accepted especially because me, Lady, and Artisto have worked so so hard to get to where we are today!

Plane ride...

Its Thursday morning and we are heading out to California. Zack keeps kicking my seat and everyone else is sleeping. I can't wait until we land, I love the feeling of the plane when it touches the ground for the very first time and when it flys off into the sky to say hello to the clouds. I can't wait until the Olympic try outs, I'm nervous and excited at the very same time. Drifting off to sleep, dreaming of flying through the clouds over the ocean.

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