Chapter 27

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"We landed! California is warm and beautiful, my two horses are staying at this huge stable and I'll be staying at this cute little cottage that my family rented for the two weeks. I'm happy that I was able to fly because I was barely cleared by the doctor." Closing my journal I stood up and nudged my Grandma who was asleep, she mumbled annoyingly but opened her eyes and gave off a smile. We exited the plane with contentment ready to experience the sun and warm ocean breeze of California.

Our rental car and trailer were waiting for us as soon as we battled our way through the security. I race over to check on Artisto and Lady and everything seems fine. They just stare up at me from their buckets full of fresh grain and give me a small neigh. Smiling I give a thumbs up to Dad and he hops into the truck with his girlfriend. Zack and me file into the back of the truck and Grandma and Grandpa take another rental car with all the luggage.

Sticking my bald head out of the window I scream out to California "I AM HERE AND READY TO WIN" Laughing I fall back into the truck and look up at Zack who's smiling and places his hand over mine. We look into each others eyes and he whispers quietly "I love you".

Reaching the small cottage everyone unpacks and choose's rooms. Grandpa and Grandma have the room closest to the kitchen, Dad and his girlfriend have the last room farthest from everyone else, I have the room facing the stables where we are keeping Artisto and Lady, and Zack has the room right next to mine.
*Later in the night*
Glancing over at the clock I see that it's 10:30 PM. I collapse on my bed and sigh, I than proceed to write in my journal. And gradually fall asleep.

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