Chapter 23

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Hey guys I hope you all had a great New Years!!!!!!!

   I tried something diferent I did Point of Views! I hope yall like it comment if you do!!!! Id like some opinions to see if I should continue the Point Of Views!


 Im out riding Artisto when Zack comes over and knocks on the side of the arena, I look up to see him standing there in jeans, a tanktop, his green baseball cap and cowboy boots holding my blue bag. Bringing Artisto to a walk I halt next to him and jump off "Oh my god thanks" grabbing Artisto's reins I walk up and grab my bag from his hands "Thankyou so much Zack" I throw the bag over my shoulder and and give him a quick hug, looking down at my watch I see what time it is "Crap, I need to go" I rush Artisto into the wash stall and yell over my shoulder "Thanks again" he waves and leaves sighing I hurry to untack Artisto, then I rush him out to the pasture, jump in my car and drive off to the hospital for my appointment, glancing through my rearview mirror I see the blue pickup following my down the drive way, taking a right turn I speed off and the blue pickup takes a left. "Urgh I totally blew it" slamming my bag down on the passenger seat.   

  Waiting in a blue hospital gown on the metal hosptial bed I wait for Doctor Gwin the town doctor to come and lead me to the cat scan. I hear her heels before I see her enter the room, glancing up I see her standing in the doorway smiling, waiting for me to follow her "Hey Rose" I jump off the bed and follow her down the bright white hallway she answers me "Oh Im good Valory" she opens the last door down the hall and tells me to lie down on the examination table, lying down on the cool surface I start to feeling the bed moving into the tunnel where Doctor Gwin will get the data she needs to figure out if my cancer is spreading or if its dying. In and out I go of the large tunnel, finally after awhile it stops completely and Doctor Gwin tells me I can get up now. I get dressed and am lead to another room where a nurse takes my blood, to compare it with my other samples. Saying a prayer to God I leave the hospital nervous and excited to see what the results are. Getting home in time for supper Grandma asks me how the appointment went and If Im ready for the show next weekend. Everyone talks for hours around the table and my dad suprises us all by saying he met someone and her name is Kari, she's fourty three, two years younger than my dad and she has brown curly hair and green eyes. He talked on and on about her, she's also a veterinarian and he invited her to dinner next weekend after my show. I comgrat my father and take everyones plate, to start the dishwasher. After the dishes are down I let my dogs in and head up to my room to write in my journal, 

   Today me and Artisto completed our jumping course with ease, no screw ups! Lady did our dressage tests simply perfect! I think we are ready for the show coming up this weekend. 

My phone rings and I wrestle to pull it out of my blue bag, but when I feel a mystery piece of paper I stop searching for my phone but instead I open the paper and see a number 651-467-6789...Zack

Smiling I grab my phone and type in his number and text him 

Valory- Hey it's me Val, thanks again for finding my bag and bringing it back to me :)

 I wait a couple of minutes to wait for a reply but one does'nt come, getting up I go and take a shower. Tired and clean I decide to go to sleep, coming out of the bathroom I find all three of my dogs laying in bed sprawled out all over, there was only a sliver of room for me in between Yoshi and Snoopy. I crawl over Darling and plop down in the middle, Snoopy grumbles and opens his eyes, sighs and falls back asleep. Smiling I turn off the bedside lamp and go to bed. 

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