Chapter 24

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Waking up bright and early at 5 in the morning on Thursday, I let the dogs out, take a shower, throw on a grey tanktop and my tan breeches, feed the dogs, feed the horses, eat breakfeast and get ready to go to the horse show. Dad is packing everyone's bags into the car, Grandpa is getting the horse trailer ready and Grandma is making snacks for the road. Once everyone is ready to go, I grab Artisto and Lady from the pasture and lead them into the trailer, Dad and Grandma hop into the car and start driving. Me, Grandpa and the three dogs follow shortley after with the horse trailer around 9:55 AM. My Aunt and Uncle are coming up tonight to watch the rest of the horses while we are gone for the weekend.

Im sitting in the passenger seat when my phone vibrates, taking it out of my back pocket, I see that Zack has texted me a long message: Hey Val its me Zack, sorry I didnt text you back last night I was driving home from work and my phone was dead. But enough explaining I wish you luck today at your show! Go kick some butt and win the blue :) I dont know much about dressage or show jumping but when I got a peek of you riding Artisto I thought you looked pretty good. (that must mean your the best of the best I hope) When you get home I would like to bring you out to dinner to celebrate your winnings (If you win, otherwise to celebrate your losses) Good luck and seeya later -Zack

Laughing quietly at my phone I decide to reply Thnx for wishing me luck and I will gladly take up that offer for dinner :) I put my phone back in my pocket and look out of the window smiling. It feels like hours have passed! I glance at the clock and see that only two hours have gone by. Grandpa is singing along to some old folks song and Im counting the rows and rows of corn... when I see Dad's car make a left turn down another road, this one is paved and the corn is growing smaller and smaller. I give Grandma a call "Hey Gram are we almost there?" she quickly replies after glancing down at the map and says in her sweet loving voice "Yes darling, just thirty more minutes I think by the sound of dad's GPS.... I dont like technology Val" I laugh "Ok gram bye" hanging up I look over at Grandpa, he's looking at me and waiting for me to tell him what's so funny "she hates technology gramps" he laughs and whispers to himself "I love her" After that little episode I turn the music back on and listen along to the radio until we reach the stables where the show will be held.

We get to the stables around three and start unpacking, I grab Artisto and Lady and put them in their assigned stalls, than I grab my show trunks that hold all of my tack and put it locked up next to their stalls. Once Im done giving them their hay, water and grain I head back to the truck where my family is waiting to go to the hotel a mile away. Hopping in the trailer less truck with grandpa we drive off towards the hotel where we will be staying.

*Click* goes the door to my room 125 Grandma and Grandpa are next door and Dad is across the hall. I usher the dogs into the room and unpack, laying my outifts for tomorrows shows on the second bed. Putting all of my bath things in the bathroom, food in the fridge and clothes in the dresser I plop down on the bed with the dogs and take a nap.

One Hour Later....

Waking up its about seven o clock at night, I let the dogs out with their leashes hooked up to the door and go take a shower, when I'm done taking a shower, I braid my hair and put on my pajamas, then I let the dogs in and go to bed, praying that the show will go good tomorrow.

The next morning I hop out of bed at 5:30 AM, ready to go kick some butt. Once I'm done taking a shower and feeding the dogs, I grab my bag that contains all of my show gear and empty the contents on the bed, realizing the only things that I can use is the make up... I pick up my favorite silver net with pearls glued to it I throw it across the room, feeling tears crawl down my face I quickly grap my make up and run into the bathroom to tame the tears. When the tears are all dried up, I start applying some light make up for the ring. Bright red lipstick, cocoa eyeshadow, mascara and a thin layer of eyeliner and I'm ready, walking out of the bathroom I'm greeted by Grandma "Hey Val what time is your first show?" I grab my notes and glance it over

Dressage with Artisto (Saturday)





Show jumping with Lady (Sunday)





Glancing back up at Grandma "First show with Artisto is at 10:30" Grandma nods looks at her clock and holds up four fingers I reply "Four hours until the first show, I want to leave around 6:30-7AM" Grandma gives me a thumbs up and leaves to go get ready. I get on my white breeches, white riding shirt, belt, white stock, black dressage jacket, white gloves and my black riding boots, than I grab my whip's and my helmet and head downstairs with the dogs to go eat breakfeast.

After a nice breakfeast with my family we head over to the barn and start getting Artisto tacked up and ready for the first show. It's around 9:30 AM when we finish getting Artisto all glitzed and glammed! I look him over from the shiny black saddle to the perfect braids, smiling I give him a hug and whisper into his ear "We can do this Artisto" I feel horrible pains start rushing through my bones. I dig around in my bag looking for my bottle of Advil and my water bottle hoping that the pain will go away before our first test as I gulp down a pill.

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