Chapter 19

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I get home from school and Im determined to help Artisto, getting dressed in a pair of breeches and a tanktop, I head downstairs and out to the barn. after feeding everyone and letting them all out into the pasture, I lead Artisto into the arena. Clipping the lunge line to his navy blue halter I grab the lunging whip and start him out on a small circle, using the whip to keep him in a nice energetic walk everything is going smoothly. I push him into a bigger circle, clicking my tongue and whipping the whip behind his legs I ask him to a trot, he keeps walking, I ask him again and he's ears pin back I coo out to him "Come on Artisto, it's just a tiny little trot transition" asking him again he picks up the trot, but starts to buck and pull. "URGH" I practically scream! I hold the line tight, and yell out to Artisto calmely "Artisto woooah" his ears perck up at my voice and he slows down a little, but continues to buck. I keep talking to him trying to calm him down, and it starts to work. He slowely stops bucking and starts to trot normally but falls into a walk, I bring him into a small circle again and he walks toward me until he is face to face with me. Patting him on the neck I tell him "Good boy, see that was'nt to bad' he neighs loudly as Im leading him back out into a circle.

2 Hours Later....

I just got done putting Artisto into the pasture and now Im heading up to the house, It's 2:00 PM and I need to be at my chemotherapy at 4:30 PM I have two hours to do what I want. Heading upstairs to my room I start writing in my new journal that I bought so I can record Artistos progress.


Today (Thursday) Artisto and me worked on some simple transitions, we did'nt get to the canter though because he had a little tantrum but after two hours of practice he finally got an amazing trot! His downward transitions are improving, he's listening to my voice commands and I think I'll get him cantering tomorrow with a little practice :) Next week Im going to start teaching him how to wear a saddle, boots, saddlepads and a bridle hopefully he will take it easily!!!!

After I finish writing down todays progress I take a nap. Waking up it's 3:30 PM and time to go to my chemotherapy appointment. Getting into my car I crank up the music and backout of the driveway. I make it to the hospital with ten minutes to spare! Entering the familiar hospital I head back to the chemo room, where I spend my four hours everyday (except the weekends) talking to my neighbors, reading and doing homework. Fran is reading a book and Edith is doing a crossword puzzle when I sit down, they both look up, smile and say hi. As Im getting the needle poked into my skin Edith says crankly "Your still alive I see" I reply to her "So are you" I smile and put my headphones in. Im not even a minute into my song when the nurse comes up to me, poking my elbow, I take out my earphones and give her a questioning look she smiles and starts to talk "Valory there is a lady here to see you about your birthday Friday" I glance over her shoulder to see a lady in a suit and pencil skirt, she looks bored... I tell my nurse "Fine I dont care" waving my hand the lady walks over, her purple heels clicking and clacking against the tiled floor, I glance at myself pink slippers, pajama pants and a grey t shirt compared to her I feel like a shetland against a clydesdale.... she looks me over, from my bald head to my fluffy pink slippers and begins "Valory I understand tomorrow is your birthday, and the Make a Wish foundation would like to grant you one wish, now you do not have to use your wish now, you can use it whenever you want" she grabs something out of her briefcase, its a piece of paper "When you want to use it just call the number on your wish certificate and we will get everything all set up for you" handing me the paper she gets up and leaves. Glancing down at the paper Edith says "Your a chairty case now, congrats" I sigh and shove the certificate into my bag, put my headphones back in and drift off into a sleep for the four hours.

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