Chapter 13

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      Me and the dogs are greeted by the spicy, warm smell of grandmas famous apple pie.Closing the door as gently as I can we tip toe towards the kitchen, I peek around the corner and see my grandma, grandpa and dad sitting down around the old wooden table that my grandparents have owned for years eating some pie. I take in a deep breath smooth down my blue skinnny jeans and adjust my red scarf around my white sweater,  I turn the corner and yell out "Grandma, Grandpa I missed you two!" I muster a smile but nerves start taking over thinking to myself ' It's just your damn grandparents Valory jeeze!!!'

My grandma smiles from ear to ear and races to get out of her chair as fast as she can "Valory oh Valory I've missed you so!" I walk over to her and give her a nice long hug breathing in the smell of apples and cinnamon "I've missed you too grandma" sighing she lets go and runs around to the counter to dish me up a plate of apple pie, than she races back and places it down on the table by a chair. I walk over and take a seat, grandma does the same smiling in the process. I glance around the room nothing has changed since I've last been here, the same peeling yellow wallpaper and white flowered curtains are still up and the same old book case is still in the left corner with the wicker rocking chair. I looked over by the door to see my three dogs waiting for me to let them come over. I whistle and they scamper underneath the table, Yoshi lays on my feet and Darling curls up near my chair while Snoopy just sprawls out with a grunt...

   I wave to grandpa and he smiles "How you feeling kiddo" I reply automatically (Im already used to everyone asking me that question 24/7) "Just fine grandpa, thanks for asking" Grandma asks "How was the drive sweetie?" I reply "It was fine grandma, the roads are icy and its snowing like crazy but we made it here safely" She smiles and asks "So how long have you known about the cancer?"I say "I've known for about one and a half months and I'll be starting chemotherapy next week" Dad nods his head in agreement "Her doctor, Mr Jones has transferred all of her documents over to the hospital here in Eli mom,  she starts her first chemotherapy session next week" grandma nods her head and grabs grandpas hand.

After catching up with my grandparents I head up to bed and go to sleep, Darling, Snoopy and Yoshi all crawl into bed with me and I shut off the light.

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