Chapter 2

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After like ten episodes of Spongebob my parents finally came back into my hospital room followed by the doctor, my father has tears in his eyes and my mother just looks at me disgustedly.

I try to ask them what was wrong but they just ignored me and just stared off into the distance, I sigh and ask the doctor worridly "Whats wrong with them Mr, Mr...." the doctor cuts me off "My name is Doctor Jones, I'll be your doctor for quite awhile young lady" I smile wearily and glance towards my parents, my father opens his mouth to speak but then my mother cuts him off rudely "Doctor Jones just get on with it and tell my damn daughter what's going on" I gasp at her rudeness and the doctor looks equally shocked as he mutters to himself quietly. He syas "Ok Valory I guess we have to get to the point" the doctor glances at my mother angrily "You have Leukemia" a bomb just exploded in my mind. I gasp and start to break down crying as the doctor continues " Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that begins in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is the soft tissue in the center of the bone where blood cells are produced" the doctor pauses as my father comes over to comfort me and glares at my mother who is sitting on her phone.

The doctor sighs and continues "The term Leukemia means White Blood. Now white blood cells are used to fight off infection and other unknown substances in our bodies, now we believe you have Acute myeloid leukemia it affects our myeloid cells and grows quickly. Im going to let you take this all in Valory and I will come back later today to talk about your treatment options and to take some more tests" with that the doctor exited the room in a hurry.

Im speechless, Acute Myeloid Leukemia! Im only 15 years old! Just entering 10th grade. I dont know what I'll do... What about my riding... What about my horse. What about my life!!!

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