Chapter 10

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Packing stinks, It's 6:30 pm, Friday night and its snowing up a storm outside.

Me, Carly, Sammy and Megan are packing up all of my stuff and shooving it all into boxes, marking them and putting them into a corner. We talk about school and riding, I ask Carly how training is going with her new gelding Danny a 4 year old, sorrel colored Oldenburg, She happily tells me" He is a dream Valory! I cant belive I finally got my dream horse!!!!" Sammy butts into our little conversation about her progress with her black 7 year old, percheron Daisy " Me and Daisy are going to vaulting nationals this summer Valory!" Megan coughs and we all look towards her sitting in the corner of my room packing up all my makeup and jewlery "Well me and Zoey finally got into nationals!" Poor Megan, Zoey her 6 year old, black and white Hanovieran mare broke her left hind leg last summer and it took her forever to recover, they had to scratch last years nationals. But now she's better and they have worked so hard and Im proud of her and all of my friends. I clap excitedly for my friends and ask the one question I've been wanting to ask them "How is my mare doing?" Carly responds quickly "I've been riding her for you, keeping her going so she doesn't get rusty while your gone" I smile and reach over to hug Carly but then a sharp pain hits me and blackness threatens to control my vision I lean back against the wall and I barely hear my friends asking me whats wrong. I feel dizzy and fuzzy...

I wake up and a wave of dizzyness overpowers me yet again, looking around I realize that my friends have gone. All of my boxes are packed and my three dogs are laying on the end of my bed. I glance over at my table and see a note,
Hey Val,
Sorry we left, but your dad said it would probably be a good idea for you to get some rest. We finished packing all your things though, hope you get better soon gal, text ya tomorrow! ;)

Love ya- Megan, Carly, Sammy

P.s It snowed alot!!!!!!

I sigh sadly, why did this have to happen to me!

I slowly get up and make my way downstairs followed by the dogs, its around 11 pm and dads in bed or I assume by the closed door. I open the fridge and take out the milk, I pour a cup and grab it leaving the kitchen I start walking around the house with my dogs following me in a line. I yawn and think to myself, We are actually leaving this wonderful home. I grew up here, took my first steps here. I plop down on the couch and say to myself "Mom is such a bitch for making us leave this place"

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